The various articles presented in this Mesoweb subsite have been compiled and translated from Spanish to English by archaeologist Vilma Fialko. These contributions pertain to investigations at the Maya archaeological sites of Tikal, Naranjo-Saa'al, Yaxha, and Nakum, located in the northeastern region of Peten, Guatemala. These were sponsored for the most part by the Institute of Anthropology and History of Guatemala, beginning in the 1980s and 1990s and continuing to the present. Some of the older articles have been updated with recent information and illustrations. The general objective of this project is to integrate in the Mesoweb site important information scattered in about 100 articles produced by Guatemalan archaeologists, in order to make them accessible to researchers of the Maya culture, who find it difficult to access Guatemalan publications.

Approaching a Maya Political Geography of the Northeast Peten, Guatemala: The Holmul River Survey and Settlements in the Hinterlands of Tikal, Yaxha, Nakum, and Naranjo
by Vilma Fialko

The Ballcourts of the Maya City of Nakum, Northeast Peten, Guatemala
by Zoila Calderón, Vilma Fialko, and Omar Schwendener

Cultural Development of the Monumental Epicenter of the Maya City of Naranjo-Sa'aal, Northeast Peten, Guatemala
by Vilma Fialko

The Maya State of Naranjo-Sa'aal, and its Peripheral Organization
by Vilma Fialko

Mano de León: A Minor Elite Residential Group of the Maya City of Naranjo-Sa'aal, Peten, Guatemala
by Vilma Fialko and María Berta Barrios

Maya Prehispanic Occupation in Yaxha, Northeast Peten, Guatemala
by Bernard Hermes