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Abaj Takalik 1976: Exploratory Investigations, by J. A. Graham, R. F. Heizer, and E. M. Shook. In Studies in Ancient Mesoamerica 3, edited by John A. Graham, pp. 85-110. Contributions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility 36. Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, 1978.
A Bowl Fit for a King: A Ceramic Vessel of the Naranjo Court Bearing the Komkom Emblem Glyph, by Christophe Helmke, Yuriy Polyukhovych, Dorie J. Reents-Budet, and Ronald L. Bishop. The PARI Journal 18(1):9-24, 2017.
A Brief Note on the Name of a Vision Serpent, by Linda Schele. In The Maya Vase Book: A Corpus of Rollout Photographs of Maya Vases, Volume 1, pp. 146-148. Kerr Associates, New York, 1989.
A Broken Sky: The Ancient Name of Yaxchilan as Pa' Chan, by Simon Martin. The PARI Journal 5(1):1-7, 2004.
A Carved Shell from the Northeastern Maya Lowlands, by George E. Stuart. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 13:13-20. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1987.
A Carved Speleothem Monument at Yaxchilan, Mexico, by Christophe Helmke. The PARI Journal 17(4):16-43, 2017.
A Carved Wooden Box from the Classic Maya Civilization, by Michael D. Coe. In Primera Mesa Redonda de Palenque, Part II: A Conference on the Art, Iconography, and Dynastic History of Palenque, 1973, edited by Merle Greene Robertson, pp. 51-58. Robert Louis Stevenson School; Pre-Columbian Art Research, Pebble Beach, CA, 1974.
A Carving Sequence for Stela 1, Copan, Honduras, by Jan McHargue. In Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, edited by Martha J. Macri and Jan McHargue, pp. 177-182. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1996.
¿Acaso seríamos Petén-céntricos?, by Éric Taladoire. In Millenary Maya Societies: Past Crises and Resilience, edited by M.-Charlotte Arnauld and Alain Breton, pp. 326-328. Electronic document, published online at Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/publications/MMS/21_Taladoire.pdf, 2013.
Accession Iconography of Chan-Bahlum in the Group of the Cross at Palenque, by Linda Schele. In The Art, Iconography and Dynastic History of Palenque, Part III: Procedings of the Segunda Mesa Redonda de Palenque, 1974, edited by Merle Greene Robertson, pp. 9-34. Pre-Columbian Art Research; Robert Louis Stevenson School, Pebble Beach, CA, 1976.
A Celebration of Merle Greene Robertson, by E. Wyllys Andrews. The PARI Journal 12(1):7-8, 2011.
A Chronological Framework for Palenque, by Robert L. Rands. In Primera Mesa Redonda de Palenque, Part I: A Conference on the Art, Iconography, and Dynastic History of Palenque, 1973, edited by Merle Greene Robertson, pp. 35-39. Robert Louis Stevenson School; Pre-Columbian Art Research, Pebble Beach, CA, 1974.
A Classic Maya Plate in the Collection of the De Young Museum, San Francisco: An Analysis of Text, Image, and "Kill Hole", by Erik Boot. The PARI Journal 16(3):12-18, 2016.
A Classic Maya Term for Public Performance, by Alexandre Tokovinine. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/features/tokovinine/performance.pdf, 2003.
A Collocation Denoting a 'Substitute' Relationship in Classic Maya Inscriptions, by Jorge L. Orejel. In Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, edited by Martha J. Macri and Jan McHargue, pp. 63-77. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1996.
A Commentary on the Hieroglyphic Inscriptions Of Nim Li Punit, Belize, by Nikolai Grube, Barbara MacLeod, and Phil Wanyerka. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 41:17-39. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1999.
A Concordance of the Palenque Temple 18 Stucco Glyphs, by Marc Zender. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/palenque/monuments/T18S/Palenque-T18S-Concordance.pdf, 2007.
A Correlation of the Mayan and European Calendars, by J. Eric Thompson. Anthropological Series 17(1). Publication 241. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 1927.
A Cosmological Throne at Palenque, by David Stuart. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/stuart/notes/Throne.pdf, 2003.
Addendum to "The Discovery, Exploration, and Monuments of Nim Li Punit, Belize" (RRAMW Number 40), by Norman Hammond and Sheena Howarth. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 40a. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1999.
A Figurative Hacha from Buenavista del Cayo, Belize, by Christophe Helmke, Jason Yaeger, and Mark Eli. The PARI Journal 18(3):7-26, 2018.
A Future Cache in Guatemala, by Elayne Marquis. The PARI Journal 9(2):24, 2008.
A Glimpse Into the Watery Underworld, by Jorge Pérez de Lara. The PARI Journal 5(4):1-5, 2005.
A Hieroglyphic Block from the Region of Hiix Witz, Guatemala, by Simon Martin and Dorie Reents-Budet. The PARI Journal 11(1):1-6, 2010.
A Historical Interpretation of the Inscriptions of Uxmal, by Jeff Karl Kowalski. In Fourth Palenque Round Table, 1980, edited by Elizabeth P. Benson, pp. 235-247. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1985.
Ah Ts'ib: Scribal Hands and Sculpture Workshops at Yaxchilán, by Carolyn Tate. In Seventh Palenque Round Table, 1989, edited by Merle Greene Robertson and Virginia M. Fields, pp. 95-103. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1994.
Ajpach' Waal: The Hieroglyphic Stairway of the Guzmán Group of El Palmar, Campeche, Mexico, by Kenichiro Tsukamoto and Octavio Q. Esparza Olguín. In Maya Archaeology 3, edited by Charles Golden, Stephen Houston, and Joel Skidmore, pp. 30-55. Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco, 2015.
Aj Poop B'atz' y la historia chamelqueña, by Sarah Ashley Kistler and Sebastian Si Pop. Winter Park, FL, 2012.
A Late Preclassic Distance Number, by Mario Giron-Ábrego. The PARI Journal 13(4):8-12, 2013.
A Linguistic Approach to the Classic Maya Term iximte'el kakaw, by William Humberto Mex-Albornoz. The PARI Journal 21(3):8-16, 2021.
Algunas ollas polícromas del noroeste de la península de Yucatán: un caso del catalogo de vasijas polícromas mayas, by Sylviane Boucher and Yoly Palomo. In Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, edited by Martha J. Macri and Jan McHargue, pp. 247-258. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1996.
Allspice as Template for the Classic Maya K'an Sign, by Estella Weiss-Krejci. The PARI Journal 12(4):1-6, 2012.
Alternative Functions of Distance Numbers in Maya Calendrical Texts: Codices vs. Monuments, by Victoria Bricker and Anthony Aveni. The PARI Journal 15(1):11-24, 2014.
A "Maizedancer" Vessel Dedicated to Yax We'n Chan K'inich, Lord of Xultun, by Sebastián Matteo and Guido Krempel. The PARI Journal 20(4):1-14, 2020.
A Maya Wooden Figure from Belize, by George E. Stuart and R. A. Housley. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 42:1-10. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1999.
A Mixe-Zoquean Loanword in the Late Preclassic Murals of San Bartolo?, by Søren Wichmann. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/ articles/wichmann/Loanword.pdf, 2006.
A Nahuatl Syllabary, by Alfonso Lacadena. The PARI Journal 8(4):23, 2008.
Análisis químico de materiales encontrados en excavación, dos casos: porta-incensarios tipo Palenque y cinabrio usado en practicas funerarias, by Javier Vázquez Negrete and Rodrigo Velázquez. In Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, edited by Martha J. Macri and Jan McHargue, pp. 103-106. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1996.
Analysis of Two Low Relief Sculptures from La Venta, by Robert F. Heizer. In Studies in Olmec Archaeology, pp. 25-55. Contributions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility 3. Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, 1967.
An Annotated Overview of "Tikal Dancer" Plates, by Erik Boot. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/features/boot/TikalDancerPlates.pdf, 2003.
An Appearance of Xiuhtecuhtli in the Dresden Venus Pages, by Karl Taube and Bonnie Bade. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 35:13-24. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1991.
An Early Maya Text from El Mirador, Guatemala, by Richard D. Hansen. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 37:19-32. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1991.
A New Carved Panel from the Palenque Area, by David Stuart. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 32:9-14. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1990.
A New Child-Father Relationship Glyph, by David Stuart. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 2:7-8. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1985.
A New Early Classic Text from Tikal, by Federico Fahsen. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 17. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1988.
A New Inscription from Nim Li Punit, Belize, by David Stuart and Nikolai Grube. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 45:1-7. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 2000.
A New La Corona Panel, by Erik Boot. The PARI Journal 12(2):1-7, 2011.
A New Look at the Inscription of Copan Altar K, by Péter Biró. The PARI Journal 11(2):22-28, 2010.
A New Method of Deciphering Yucatecan Dates with Special Reference to Chichen Itza, by J. Eric Thompson. Contributions to American Archaeology 4(22):177-197. Publication 483. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., 1937.
A New Monument Mentioning Wamaaw K'awiil of Calakmul, by Raphael Tunesi. The PARI Journal 8(2):13-19, 2007.
A New Palenque Panel, by Yuriy Polyukhovych. The PARI Journal 13(3):1-3, 2013.
A New Plate Naming a K'uhul Mutu'l Ajaw, by Raphael Tunesi and Luís Lopes. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/features/tikal/TikalPlate.pdf, 2004.
An Inscribed Shell Drinking Vessel from the Maya Lowlands, by George E. Stuart. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 48:1-9. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 2001.
A Notational Explanation for Maya Calendar Round Dates Such as 11 Eb 16 Mac, by Victoria R. Bricker. The PARI Journal 11(4):9-10, 2011.
A Note on the Inscription of Ixtutz Stela 4, by Marc Zender. The PARI Journal 2(4)/3(1), 2001-2002:17-22, 27, 2002.
An Overview of Classic Maya Ceramics Containing Sequences of Day Signs, by Erik Boot. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/features/boot/Day_Signs.pdf, 2003.
An Oxkintok Region Vessel: An Analysis of the Hieroglyphic Texts, by Erik Boot. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/articles/Boot/Oxkintok.pdf, 2010.
A Possible Syllabic Spelling of the "Birth Glyph", by Yuriy Polyukhovych. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/articles/polyukhovych/ BirthGlyph.pdf, 2011.
An Unusual Calendar Cycle at Tonina, by David Stuart. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/stuart/notes/Cycle.pdf, 2002.
A Possible Full Form of the <yu> Syllable, by Dmitri Beliaev and Rafael Tunesi. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/articles/syllable/yu.pdf, 2005.
A Possible Logogram for TZ'AP, by David Stuart. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/stuart/notes/tzap.pdf, 2004.
A Possible Syllable for t'i in Maya Writing, by Albert Davletshin and Péter Bíró. The PARI Journal 15(1):1-10, 2014.
Appreciating Mike: A Remembrance of Michael D. Coe, by Stephen Houston. The PARI Journal 20(2):15-27, 2019.
Approaching a Maya Political Geography of the Northeast Peten, Guatemala: The Holmul River Survey and Settlements in the Hinterlands of Tikal, Yaxha, Nakum, and Naranjo, by Vilma Fialko. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/Contributions/Holmul_River_Survey.pdf, 2022.
A Reading of the Komkom Vase Discovered at Baking Pot, Belize, by Christophe Helmke, Julie A. Hoggarth, and Jaime J. Awe. Monograph 3. Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco, 2018.
Are We Dealing with Places or with People?, by Stephen Hugh-Jones. In Millenary Maya Societies: Past Crises and Resilience, edited by M.-Charlotte Arnauld and Alain Breton, pp. 314-317. Electronic document, published online at Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/publications/MMS/21_Hugh-Jones.pdf, 2013.
Arild Hvidtfeldt’s Contribution to Mesoamerican Studies, by Jesper Nielsen. The PARI Journal 20(1):15-16, 2019.
A Short Note on Winte' Nah as House of Darts, by Péter Bíró. The PARI Journal 21(1):14-16, 2020.
A Skyband with Constellations: Revisiting the Monjas East Wing at Chichen Itza, by Bruce Love. The PARI Journal 15(3):11-14, 2015.
A Temple over Time, by Stephen Houston, Sarah Newman, Edwin Román, and Nicholas Carter. In Temple of the Night Sun: A Royal Tomb at El Diablo, Guatemala, by Stephen Houston, Sarah Newman, Edwin Román, and Thomas Garrison, pp. 30-83. Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco, 2015.
A Tomb and Its Setting, by Stephen Houston, Sarah Newman, Thomas Garrison, and Edwin Román. In Temple of the Night Sun: A Royal Tomb at El Diablo, Guatemala, by Stephen Houston, Sarah Newman, Edwin Román, and Thomas Garrison, pp. 12-29. Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco, 2015.
At the Crossroads of Kingdoms: Recent Investigations on the Periphery of Piedras Negras and its Neighbors, by Whittaker Schroder, Charles W. Golden, Andrew K. Scherer, Socorro del Pilar Jiménez Álvarez, Jeffrey Dobereiner, and Alan Mendez Cab. The PARI Journal 17(4):1-15, 2017.
A Unique Absolutive Antipassive in the Name of a K'uhul Chatahn Winik, by Luís Lopes and Barbara MacLeod. The PARI Journal 22(1):15-19, 2021.
A Variant of the chak Sign, by David Stuart. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 10:19-20. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1987.
A Preliminary Analysis of Altar 5 from La Corona, by David Stuart, Marcello Canuto, Tomás Barrientos, and Alejandro González. The PARI Journal 19(2):1-13, 2018.
A Probable Reference to Na-"Gourd" Chan Ahk on Naranjo Stela 15, by Luís Lopes. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/articles/lopes/ProbableReference.pdf, 2005.
A Rationale for the Initial Date Of the Temple of the Cross at Palenque, by Floyd G. Lounsbury. In The Art, Iconography and Dynastic History of Palenque, Part III: Procedings of the Segunda Mesa Redonda de Palenque, 1974, edited by Merle Greene Robertson, pp. 211-224. Pre-Columbian Art Research; Robert Louis Stevenson School, Pebble Beach, CA, 1976.
Archaeological and Epigraphic Studies in Pol Box, Quintana Roo, by Octavio Q. Esparza Olguín and Vania E. Pérez Gutiérrez. The PARI Journal 9(3):1-16, 2009.
Archaeological Excavations of a Round Temple at Uxmal: Summary Discussion and Implications for Northern Maya Culture History, by Jeff Karl Kowalski, Alfredo Barrera Rubio, Heber Ojeda Más, and José Huchim Herrera. In Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, edited by Martha J. Macri and Jan McHargue, pp. 281-296. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1996.
Archaeology: The Plates, by Alfred P. Maudslay. Volumes 1-4 of Archaeology. 5 vols. Vols. 55-59 of Biologia Centrali-Americana; or, Contributions to the Knowledge of the Fauna and Flora of Mexico and Central America. R. H. Porter and Dulau, London, 1889-1902.
A Reading for the "STINGER" Glyph, by Luís Lopes. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/articles/lopes/Stinger.pdf, 2005.
A Reading of the Cancuén Looted Panel, by Stanley Guenter. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/features/cancuen/Panel.pdf, 2002.
A Reading of the "Completion Hand" as TZUTZ, by David Stuart. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 49:10-24. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 2001.
A Reconsideration of the Age of the La Venta Site, by Rainer Berger, John A. Graham, and Robert F. Heizer. In Studies in Olmec Archaeology, pp. 1-24. Contributions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility 3. Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, 1967.
A Representation of the Principal Bird Deity in the Paris Codex, by Karl Taube. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 6:1-10. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1987.
Art of the Classic Maya Relief, by Grant Schar. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/articles/schar/Schar2014.html, 2014.
A Sign for the Syllable mi, by Nikolai Grube and Werner Nahm. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 33:15-26. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1990.
Aspects of Impersonation in Classic Maya Art, by Andrea Stone. In Sixth Palenque Round Table, 1986, edited by Virginia M. Fields, pp. 194-202. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1991.
Astronomy and the Iconography of Creation among the Classic and Colonial Period Maya, by Khristaan D. Villela and Linda Schele. In Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, edited by Martha J. Macri and Jan McHargue, pp. 31-44. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1996.
A Study of Classic Maya Sculpture, by Tatiana Proskouriakoff. Publication 593. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., 1950.
A Look at the Hand and Arm Gestures of the Characters on the Palenque Temple XIX Bench, by Jorge Pérez de Lara. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/features/gestures/index.html, 2002.
A Stylistic and Chronological Study of Olmec Monumental Sculpture, by Carl William Clewlow, Jr. Contributions to the University of California Archaeological Research Facility 19. Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, 1974.
A Tour of Acanceh with a Brief History of the Site and Its Archaeology, by Jorge Pérez de Lara. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/features/acanceh/index.html, 2005.
A Tour of Chichen Itza with a Brief History of the Site and Its Archaeology, by Jorge Pérez de Lara. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/chichen/features/tour/index.html, 2003.
A Tour of Copan with a Brief History of the Site and Its Archaeology, by Jorge Pérez de Lara. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/copan/tour/index.html, 2005.
A Tour of Edzna with a Brief History of the Site and Its Archaeology, by Jorge Pérez de Lara. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/features/edzna/index.html, 2007.
A Tour of Tikal with a Brief History of its Rediscovery and Archaeological Work at the Site, by Jorge Pérez de Lara. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/tikal/features/history/index, 2005.
A Tour of Uxmal with a Brief History of the Site and Its Archaeology, by Jorge Pérez de Lara. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/features/uxmal/index.html, 2007.

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Baj "Hammer" and Related Affective Verbs in Classic Mayan, by Marc Zender. The PARI Journal 11(2):1-16, 2010.
Balan-Ahau: A Possible Reading of the Tikal Emblem Glyph and a Title at Palenque, by Linda Schele. In Fourth Palenque Round Table, 1980, edited by Elizabeth P. Benson, pp. 59-65. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1985.
Beans and Glyphs: A Possible IB Logogram in the Classic Maya Script, by Alexandre Tokovinine. The PARI Journal 14(4):10-16, 2014.
Benches, Brothers, and Lineage Lords of Copan, by Sandra Bardsley. In Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, edited by Martha J. Macri and Jan McHargue, pp. 195-201. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1996.
Beyond Rainstorms: The Kawak as an Ancestor, Warrior, and Patron of Witchcraft, by Joanne M. Spero. In Sixth Palenque Round Table, 1986, edited by Virginia M. Fields, pp. 184-193. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1991.
Birds of a Feather: The Fallen Stucco Inscription of Temple XVIII, Palenque, Chiapas, by William M. Ringle. In Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, edited by Martha J. Macri and Jan McHargue, pp. 45-61. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1996.
Blom and La Farge and the Discovery of La Venta - Chapters 1-4 of Tribes and Temples: A Record of the Expedition to Middle America Conducted by the Tulane University of Louisiana in 1925, by Frans Blom and Oliver La Farge. 2 vols. Tulane University, New Orleans, 1926-1927.
Blood and Rain, by Jorge Pérez de Lara. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/articles/JPL/Blood-and-Rain.pdf, 2012.
Border Problems: Recent Archaeological Research along the Usumacinta River, by Charles Golden and Andrew Scherer. The PARI Journal 7(2):1-16, 2006.
B'utz'aj Sak Chi'ik, "Smoking Lark/Calandria Humeante," the Third Palenque Ruler, by Erik Boot. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/palenque/features/SmokingLark.pdf, 2000.

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Caminos en las tierras bajas noroccidentales: sicix bäbih en el hinterland de Palenque y Chinikihá, by Flavio G. Silva de la Mora. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/es/articulos/Silva/Caminos.html, 2009.
Capture and Sacrifice at Palenque, by Claude F. Baudez and Peter Mathews. In Tercera Mesa Redonda de Palenque, edited by Merle Greene Robertson and Donnan Call Jeffers, pp. 31-40. Pre-Columbian Art Research; Herald Printers, Monterey, CA, 1979.
Caracol Altar 21 Revisited: More Data on Double Bird and Tikal's Wars of the Mid-Sixth Century, by Simon Martin. The PARI Journal 6(1), 1-9, 2005.
Caracol: The Thirteenth Tun 1997 Season, by Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute Newsletter 22:2-3, 1997.
Caracterización de materiales constitutivos de relieves en estucos, morteros y pintura mural de la zona arqueológica de Palenque, Chiapas, by Javier Vázquez Negrete and Rodrigo Velázquez. In Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, edited by Martha J. Macri and Jan McHargue, pp. 107-112. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1996.
Centros cívico-ceremoniales menores o "sitios de orden secundario" en la región de Palenque: características y componentes, by Atasta Flores Esquivel. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/es/articulos/Flores/Centros-secundarios-Palenque.pdf, 2009.
"Ceramic" Support for the Identity of Classic Maya Architectural Long-Lipped (Corner) Masks as the Animated Witz "Hill, Mountain", by Erik Boot. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/features/boot/Masks.pdf, 2004.
Chalcatzingo: A Brief Introduction, by David C. Grove. The PARI Journal 9(1):1-7, 2008.
Chalcatzingo Monument 34: A Formative Period "Southern Style" Stela in the Central Mexican Highlands, by Susan D. Gillespie. The PARI Journal 9(1):8-16, 2008.
Chalchiuhtlicue's Odyssey: Historiographical Account of the Translocation from Mexico to the British Museum in London of Humboldt's "Aztec Priestess" Found by Dupaix, by Foni Le Brun-Ricalens, Leonardo López Luján, and Claude Wey. The PARI Journal 23(2):1-14, 2022.
Chinikiha: The Modern Threat to an Ancient Maya Kingdom, by David Stuart and Alfonso Morales. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/reports/chinikiha.html, 2003.
Cho'qu'muc: la destrucción de un sitio arqueológico, by Christopher S. Martínez D. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/es/informes/Martinez.pdf, 2007.
Citation and Referencing Strategies for Secondary and Post-Secondary Students, by Marc Zender. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/articles/zender/Citation.pdf, 2005.
Colossal Heads of the Olmec Culture, by C. William Clewlow, Richard A. Cowan, James F. O'Connell, and Carlos Benemann. Contributions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility 4. Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, 1967.
Communal and Personal Hunting Shrines Around Lake Atitlan, Guatemala, by Linda A. Brown. In Maya Archaeology 1, edited by Charles Golden, Stephen Houston, and Joel Skidmore, pp. 36-59. Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco, 2009.
Composite Mirrors Among the Ancient Maya: Ostentatious Production and Precolumbian Fraud, by Zachary Nelson, Barry Scheetz, Guillermo Mata Amado, and Antonio Prado. The PARI Journal 9(4):1-7, 2009.
Comprendiendo los inicios de la complejidad social en la Costa del Pacífico y el Altiplano de Guatemala, by Bárbara Arroyo. In Millenary Maya Societies: Past Crises and Resilience, edited by M.-Charlotte Arnauld and Alain Breton, pp. 169-186. Electronic document, published online at Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/publications/MMS/11_Arroyo.pdf, 2013.
Copan's Last Saklaktuun, by David Stuart. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/stuart/notes/Saklaktuun.pdf, 2002.
Corn Deities and the Male/Female Complementary Principle, by Karen Bassie-Sweet. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/features/bassie/corn/Corn_Deities.pdf, 2000.
Correspondence between Frans Blom and Yuriy Knorozov Archived at the Na Bolom Museum in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico, by Alejandro Sheseña. The PARI Journal 20(3):16-24, 2020.
Cranial Surgery in Ancient Mesoamerica, by Vera Tiesler Blos. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/features/tiesler/Cranial.pdf, 2003.
Creation, Cosmos, and the Imagery of Palenque and Copan, by Linda Schele and Khristaan D. Villela. In Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, edited by Martha J. Macri and Jan McHargue, pp. 15-30. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1996.
Crecimiento, colapso y retorno ritual en la ciudad antigua de Uaxactún (150 a.C.-300 d.C.), by Milan Kováč. In Millenary Maya Societies: Past Crises and Resilience, edited by M.-Charlotte Arnauld and Alain Breton, pp. 106-121. Electronic document, published online at Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/publications/MMS/8_Kovac.pdf, 2013.
Cresterías of Palenque, by Gillett G. Griffin. In Tercera Mesa Redonda de Palenque, edited by Merle Greene Robertson and Donnan Call Jeffers, pp. 139-146. Pre-Columbian Art Research; Herald Printers, Monterey, CA, 1979.
Crisis múltiples en Naachtun: aprovechadas, superadas e irreversibles, by Philippe Nondédéo, Alejandro Patiño, Julien Sion, Dominique Michelet, and Carlos Morales-Aguilar. In Millenary Maya Societies: Past Crises and Resilience, edited by M.-Charlotte Arnauld and Alain Breton, pp. 122-147. Electronic document, published online at Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/publications/MMS/9_Nondedeo_etal.pdf, 2013.
Crisis y cambios en el Clásico Tardío: los retos económicos de una ciudad entre las Tierras Altas y las Tierras Bajas mayas, by Mélanie Forné, Chloé Andrieu, Arthur A. Demarest, Paola Torres, Claudia Quintanilla, Ronald L. Bishop, and Olaf Jaime-Riverón. In Millenary Maya Societies: Past Crises and Resilience, edited by M.-Charlotte Arnauld and Alain Breton, pp. 49-61. Electronic document, published online at Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/publications/MMS/3_Forne_etal.pdf, 2013.
Crisis y supervivencia en Machaquilá, Petén, Guatemala, by Andrés Ciudad Ruiz, Alfonso Lacadena García-Gallo, Jesús Adánez Pavón, and M. Josefa Iglesias Ponce de León. In Millenary Maya Societies: Past Crises and Resilience, edited by M.-Charlotte Arnauld and Alain Breton, pp. 73-91. Electronic document, published online at Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/publications/MMS/6_Ciudad_etal.pdf, 2013.
Cultural Development of the Monumental Epicenter of the Maya City of Naranjo-Sa'aal, Northeast Peten, Guatemala, by Vilma Fialko. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/CATNYN/Cultural_Development.pdf, 2021.
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Damming the Usumacinta: The Archaeological Impact, by S. Jeffrey K. Wilkerson. In Sixth Palenque Round Table, 1986, edited by Virginia M. Fields, pp. 118-134. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1991.
Dating Stela 26 of Tikal, by Stanley Guenter. The PARI Journal 14(3):13-17, 2014.
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Mesoamerican Lexical Calques in Ancient Maya Writing and Imagery, by Christophe Helmke. The PARI Journal 14(2):1-15, 2013.
Middle Preclassic Caches from Ceibal, Guatemala, by Takeshi Inomata and Daniela Triadan. In Maya Archaeology 3, edited by Charles Golden, Stephen Houston, and Joel Skidmore, pp. 56-91. Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco, 2015.
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Mountains of Memories: Structure M12-32 at El Perú, by David A. Freidel, Héctor L. Escobedo, and Juan Carlos Meléndez. In Millenary Maya Societies: Past Crises and Resilience, edited by M.-Charlotte Arnauld and Alain Breton, pp. 235-248. Electronic document, published online at Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/publications/MMS/15_Freidel_etal.pdf, 2013.
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Mural Paintings of the Puuc Region in Yucatán, by Alfredo Barrera Rubio. In Third Palenque Round Table, 1978, Part 2, edited by Merle Greene Robertson, pp. 173-182. University of Texas Press, Austin, 1980.
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Naj Tunich Drawing 29 and the Origins of the Baax Tuun Dynasty, by Nicholas Carter and Barbara MacLeod. The PARI Journal 21(4):1-16, 2021.
Natural Hazards and the Cultural Heritage of Guatemala: An Overview from the Vantage of the Quirigua Archaeological Park, by José Crasborn and Hardany Navarro. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/articles/Quirigua/Crasborn-Navarro-2011.pdf, 2011.
Never in Fear, by Merle Greene Robertson. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 2006.
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New Evidence of K'inich Muhk, A Tonina Lord from the End of the Sixth Century, by Ángel A. Sánchez Gamboa, Guido Krempel, and Dmitri Beliaev. The PARI Journal 23(1):1-24, 2022.
New Ideas about the Wahyis Spirits Painted on Maya Vessels: Sorcery, Maladies, and Dream Feasts in Prehispanic Art, by Erik Velásquez García. The PARI Journal 20(4):15-28, 2020.
New Year Records in Classic Maya Inscriptions, by David Stuart. The PARI Journal 5(2):1-6, 2004.
Night Errant: A Look at Wayward Lords of the Night, by Bruce Frumker. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 43:11-28. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1999.
Nostalgia for Mud, by Esther Pasztory. The PARI Journal 2(1):17-18, 2001.
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Notes on a Floral Form Represented in Maya Art and its Iconographic Implications, by John H. Bowles. In Primera Mesa Redonda de Palenque, Part I: A Conference on the Art, Iconography, and Dynastic History of Palenque, 1973, edited by Merle Greene Robertson, pp. 121-127. Robert Louis Stevenson School; Pre-Columbian Art Research, Pebble Beach, CA, 1974.
Notes on a Stelae Pair Probably from Calakmul, Campeche, Mexico, by Jeffrey H. Miller. In Primera Mesa Redonda de Palenque, Part I: A Conference on the Art, Iconography, and Dynastic History of Palenque, 1973, edited by Merle Greene Robertson, pp. 149-161. Robert Louis Stevenson School; Pre-Columbian Art Research, Pebble Beach, CA, 1974.
Notes on the Chol Dugout Canoe, by Nicholas A. Hopkins, J. Kathryn Josserand, and Ausencio Cruz Guzman. In Fourth Palenque Round Table, 1980, edited by Elizabeth P. Benson, pp. 325-329. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1985.
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Notes on the Reading of Affix T142, by Nikolai Grube. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 4:1-6. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1987.
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Nuevos datos sobre las inscripciones de Comalcalco, by Jean-Michel Hoppan. In Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, edited by Martha J. Macri and Jan McHargue, pp. 153-158. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1996.

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Observaciones sobre los gestos de manos en el arte maya, by Patricia Ancona-Ha, Jorge Pérez de Lara, and Mark Van Stone. Spanish translation of "Some Observations on Hand Gestures in Maya Art. " In The Maya Vase Book: A Corpus of Rollout Photographs of Maya Vases, Volume VI, edited by Justin Kerr, pp. 1072-1089. Kerr Associates, New York, 2000.
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Observations on T110 as the Syllable ko, by Nikolai Grube and David Stuart. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 8:1-14. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1987.
Observations on the Cross Motif at Palenque, by Linda Schele. In Primera Mesa Redonda de Palenque, Part I: A Conference on the Art, Iconography, and Dynastic History of Palenque, 1973, edited by Merle Greene Robertson, pp. 41-61. Robert Louis Stevenson School; Pre-Columbian Art Research, Pebble Beach, CA, 1974.
Observations on the History of Maya Hieroglyphic Writing, by Nikolai Grube. In Seventh Palenque Round Table, 1989, edited by Merle Greene Robertson and Virginia M. Fields, pp. 177-186. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1994.
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Painted Lithic Artifacts from Piedras Negras, Guatemala, by Zachary X. Hruby and Gene Ware. In Maya Archaeology 1, edited by Charles Golden, Stephen Houston, and Joel Skidmore, pp. 76-85. Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco, 2009.
Palenque During the Eruption of El Chichonel, by Merle Greene Robertson. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/palenque/features/Chichonel.pdf, 2009.
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Palenque in the Maya World, by Nikolai Grube. In Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, edited by Martha J. Macri and Jan McHargue, pp. 1-13. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1996.
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Pus, Pustules, and Ancient Maya Gods: Notes on the Names of God S and Hunahpu, by Oswaldo Chinchilla Mazariegos. The PARI Journal 21(1):1-13, 2020.

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Quality and Quantity in Glyphic Nouns and Adjectives, by Stephen Houston, John Robertson, and David Stuart. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 47. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 2001.
Q'umarkaj: diálogo entre la arqueología y la etnohistoria en la tormenta del Postclásico y hasta nuestros días, by Raquel Macario and Marie A. Fulbert. In Millenary Maya Societies: Past Crises and Resilience, edited by M.-Charlotte Arnauld and Alain Breton, pp. 284-294. Electronic document, published online at Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/publications/MMS/18_Macario-Fulbert.pdf, 2013.

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Reading the Regnal Names of Rulers III and V of Caracol, Belize, by Christophe Helmke and Sergei Vepretskii. The PARI Journal 22(4):1-24, 2022.
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Recovered History: Stela 11 of Coba, by María José Con Uribe and Octavio Quetzalcóatl Esparza Olquín. The PARI Journal 17(1):1-17, 2016.
Reflections on the Codex Style and the Princeton Vessel, by Erik Velásquez García. The PARI Journal 10(1):1-16, 2009.
Recollections of My Early Travels in Chiapas: Discoveries at Oxlahuntun (el Perro), Miguel Angel Fernandez, Bonampak and Lacanhá, by John Bourne. Electronic document, published online at Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/publications/Bourne/Recollections.pdf, 2001.
Regional Scribal Traditions: Methodological Implications for the Decipherment of Nahuatl Writing, by Alfonso Lacadena. The PARI Journal 8(4):1-22, 2008.
Religious Imagery in Mayapan's Murals, by Susan Milbrath, Carlos Peraza Lope, and Miguel Delgado Kú. The PARI Journal 10(3):1-10, 2010.
Representation of Deities of the Maya Manuscripts, by Paul Schellhas. Papers 4(1). Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1904.
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Rewriting History at Yaxchilán: Inaugural Art of Bird Jaguar IV, by Sandra Noble Bardsley. In Seventh Palenque Round Table, 1989, edited by Merle Greene Robertson and Virginia M. Fields, pp. 87-94. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1994.
Revisiting Maler's Usumacinta: Recent Archaeological Investigations in Chiapas, Mexico, by Andrew K. Scherer and Charles Golden. Monograph 1. Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco, 2012.
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Ritual Blood-Sacrifice among the Ancient Maya: Part I, by David Joralemon. In Primera Mesa Redonda de Palenque, Part II: A Conference on the Art, Iconography, and Dynastic History of Palenque, 1973, edited by Merle Greene Robertson, pp. 59-75. Robert Louis Stevenson School; Pre-Columbian Art Research, Pebble Beach, CA, 1974.
Rivers Among the Ruins: The Usumacinta, by Ronald L. Canter. The PARI Journal 7(3):1-24, 2007.
Robert L. Rands (May 13, 1922 - July 24, 2010), by Ronald L. Bishop. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/reports/RobertRands.html, 2011.
Rock Paintings and Lacandon Maya Sacred Landscapes, by Joel Palka. The PARI Journal 5(3):1-7, 2005.
Rocks, Ropes, and Maya Boats; Stone Bollards at Ancient Waterfronts Along the Usumacinta: Yaxchilan, Mexico to El Porvenir, Guatemala, by Ronald L. Canter and Dave Pentecost. The PARI Journal 8(3):5-14, 2007.
Royal Death, Tombs, and Cosmic Landscapes: Early Classic Maya Tomb Murals from Río Azul, Guatemala, by Mary Jane Acuña. In Maya Archaeology 3, edited by Charles Golden, Stephen Houston, and Joel Skidmore, pp. 168-185. Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco, 2015.
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Sak Tz'i' in the Classic Period Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, by Péter Biró. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/articles/biro/SakTzi.pdf, 2005.
Sculptures and Rock Carvings at Chalcatzingo, Morelos, by Carmen Cook de Leonard. In Studies in Olmec Archaeology, pp. 57-84. Contributions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility 3. Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, 1967.
Sharper than a Serpent's Tooth: A Tale of the Snakehead Dynasty as Recounted on Xunantunich Panel 4, by Christophe Helmke and Jaime J. Awe. The PARI Journal 17(2):1-22, 2016.
Shedding New Light on La Florida Stela 1: A Portrayal of Chakjal Chahk, by Mads S. Jørgensen, Joanne Baron, and Guido Krempel. The PARI Journal 22(1):1-14, 2021.
Signs and Symbols of the Maya, by Brian Hayden. The PARI Journal 5(2):7-12, 2004.
Sighting a Royal Vehicle: Observations on the Graffiti of Tulix Mul, Belize, by Christophe Helmke, Gail Hammond, Thomas Guderjan, Pieta Greaves, and Colleen Hanratty. The PARI Journal 19(4):10-30, 2019.
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Tak'alik Ab'aj, la ciudad "puente" entra la cultura olmeca y maya: 1,700 años de historia y su permanencia hasta la actualidad, by Christa Schieber de Lavarreda and Miguel Orrego Corzo. In Millenary Maya Societies: Past Crises and Resilience, edited by M.-Charlotte Arnauld and Alain Breton, pp. 187-198. Electronic document, published online at Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/publications/MMS/12_Schieber-Orrego.pdf, 2013.
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Temple of the Night Sun: A Royal Tomb at El Diablo, Guatemala, by Stephen Houston, Sarah Newman, Edwin Román, and Thomas Garrison. Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco, 2015.
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Three Terminal Classic Monuments from Caracol, Belize, by Arlen F. Chase, Nikolai Grube, and Diane Z. Chase. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 36:1-18. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1991.
Tikal's "Star War" Against Naranjo, by Simon Martin. In Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, edited by Martha J. Macri and Jan McHargue, pp. 223-236. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1996.
Time, Memory, and Resilience among the Maya, by Prudence M. Rice. In Millenary Maya Societies: Past Crises and Resilience, edited by M.-Charlotte Arnauld and Alain Breton, pp. 10-21. Electronic document, published online at Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/publications/MMS/1_Rice.pdf, 2013.
Toniná, un recorrido por los relieves, by Frida Mateos González. In Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, edited by Martha J. Macri and Jan McHargue, pp. 143-152. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1996.
Tourists, Tombs and Trash: The 1993 Field Season at Caracol, by Diane Z. Chase and Arlen F. Chase. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute Newsletter 19:3, 1993.
Toward the Making of a New Map of the Ixcanrio Basin, by Thomas G. Garrison, William A. Saturno, Thomas L. Sever, and Daniel E. Irwin. The PARI Journal 13(1):10-14, 2012.
Tulan and the Other Side of the Sea: Unraveling a Metaphorical Concept from Colonial Guatemalan Highland Sources, by Frauke Sachse and Allen J. Christenson. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/articles/tulan/Tulan.pdf, 2005.
Two Letters to Tatiana Proskouriakoff from J. Eric S. Thompson (1958-1959), by Carl Calloway. The PARI Journal 14(4):1-9, 2014.
Two Recent Ceramic Finds at Uaxactun, by A. Ledyard Smith. Contributions to American Archaeology 2(5):1-25. Publication No. 436. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., 1932.

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Unearthing the Heavens: Classic Maya Murals and Astronomical Tables at Xultun, Guatemala, by Marc Zender and Joel Skidmore. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/reports/Xultun.pdf, 2012.
Un mapa inédito de Frans Blom de la Selva Lacandona, by Daniel Schávelzon. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/es/articulos/Schavelzon/Blom.pdf, 2012.
Unmasking "Double Bird", Ruler of Tikal, by Simon Martin. The PARI Journal 2(1):7-12, 2001.
Un umbral al inframundo. La cámara 3 del Templo Mayor de Tenochtitlan, by Alejandra Aguirre Molina. Ancient Cultures Institute, San Francisco, 2020.
Unwinding the Rubber Ball: The Glyphic Expression nahb' as a Numeral Classifier for "Handspan", by Markus Eberl and Victoria R. Bricker. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 55:19-56. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 2004.
Upakal K'inich: A Late Classic Period Ruler of El Palmar, Mexico, by Kenichiro Tsukamoto, Octavio Esparza Olguín, Daniel Salazar Lama, and Luz Evelia Campaña Valenzuela. The PARI Journal 22(2):1-20, 2021.
Urbanism at Palenque, by Edwin L. Barnhart. The PARI Journal 4(1):10-16, 2003.

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Variety and Transformation in the Cosmic Monster Theme at Quirigua, Guatemala, by Andrea Stone. In Fifth Palenque Round Table, 1983, edited by Virginia M. Fields, pp. 39-48. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1985.
Votive Axes from Ancient Mexico, by Marshall H. Saville. Indian Notes 6(3):266-299, 6(4):335-342. Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, New York, 1929.

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Weaving the Fabric of the Cosmos, by Allen Christenson. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/features/fabric/fabric00.html, 2000.
West and East in Maya Thought: Death and Rebirth at Palenque and Tulum, by Arthur G. Miller. In Primera Mesa Redonda de Palenque, Part II: A Conference on the Art, Iconography, and Dynastic History of Palenque, 1973, edited by Merle Greene Robertson, pp. 45-49. Robert Louis Stevenson School; Pre-Columbian Art Research, Pebble Beach, CA, 1974.
Why Did the Maya Collapse Come in the Midst of Prosperity?, by Norman Hammond. In Millenary Maya Societies: Past Crises and Resilience, edited by M.-Charlotte Arnauld and Alain Breton, pp. 323-325. Electronic document, published online at Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/publications/MMS/21_Hammond.pdf, 2013.
Wives and Daughters on the Dallas Altar, by Simon Martin. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/articles/martin/Wives&Daughters.pdf, 2008.
World Creator and World Sustainer: God N at Chichén Itzá, by Lynn Foster and Linnea Wren. In Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, edited by Martha J. Macri and Jan McHargue, pp. 259-269. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1996.

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Yaxchilan from the Perspective of Guatemala: New Data on Settlement, Fortifications, and Sculptural Monuments, by Andrew K. Scherer, Charles Golden, Omar Alcover Firpi, Whittaker Schroder, Mónica Urquizú, and Edwin Román. The PARI Journal 20(2):1-14, 2019.

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Abaj Takalik 1976: Exploratory Investigations, by J. A. Graham, R. F. Heizer, and E. M. Shook. In Studies in Ancient Mesoamerica 3, edited by John A. Graham, pp. 85-110. Contributions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility 36. Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, 1978.
A Bowl Fit for a King: A Ceramic Vessel of the Naranjo Court Bearing the Komkom Emblem Glyph, by Christophe Helmke, Yuriy Polyukhovych, Dorie J. Reents-Budet, and Ronald L. Bishop. The PARI Journal 18(1):9-24, 2017.
A Brief Note on the Name of a Vision Serpent, by Linda Schele. In The Maya Vase Book: A Corpus of Rollout Photographs of Maya Vases, Volume 1, pp. 146-148. Kerr Associates, New York, 1989.
A Broken Sky: The Ancient Name of Yaxchilan as Pa' Chan, by Simon Martin. The PARI Journal 5(1):1-7, 2004.
A Carved Shell from the Northeastern Maya Lowlands, by George E. Stuart. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 13:13-20. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1987.
A Carved Speleothem Monument at Yaxchilan, Mexico, by Christophe Helmke. The PARI Journal 17(4):16-43, 2017.
A Carved Wooden Box from the Classic Maya Civilization, by Michael D. Coe. In Primera Mesa Redonda de Palenque, Part II: A Conference on the Art, Iconography, and Dynastic History of Palenque, 1973, edited by Merle Greene Robertson, pp. 51-58. Robert Louis Stevenson School; Pre-Columbian Art Research, Pebble Beach, CA, 1974.
A Carving Sequence for Stela 1, Copan, Honduras, by Jan McHargue. In Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, edited by Martha J. Macri and Jan McHargue, pp. 177-182. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1996.
¿Acaso seríamos Petén-céntricos?, by Éric Taladoire. In Millenary Maya Societies: Past Crises and Resilience, edited by M.-Charlotte Arnauld and Alain Breton, pp. 326-328. Electronic document, published online at Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / publications / MMS / 21_Taladoire.pdf, 2013.
Accession Iconography of Chan-Bahlum in the Group of the Cross at Palenque, by Linda Schele. In The Art, Iconography and Dynastic History of Palenque, Part III: Procedings of the Segunda Mesa Redonda de Palenque, 1974, edited by Merle Greene Robertson, pp. 9-34. Pre-Columbian Art Research; Robert Louis Stevenson School, Pebble Beach, CA, 1976.
A Celebration of Merle Greene Robertson, by E. Wyllys Andrews. The PARI Journal 12(1):7-8, 2011.
A Chronological Framework for Palenque, by Robert L. Rands. In Primera Mesa Redonda de Palenque, Part I: A Conference on the Art, Iconography, and Dynastic History of Palenque, 1973, edited by Merle Greene Robertson, pp. 35-39. Robert Louis Stevenson School; Pre-Columbian Art Research, Pebble Beach, CA, 1974.
A Classic Maya Plate in the Collection of the De Young Museum, San Francisco: An Analysis of Text, Image, and "Kill Hole", by Erik Boot. The PARI Journal 16(3):12-18, 2016.
A Classic Maya Term for Public Performance, by Alexandre Tokovinine. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / features / tokovinine / performance.pdf, 2003.
A Collocation Denoting a 'Substitute' Relationship in Classic Maya Inscriptions, by Jorge L. Orejel. In Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, edited by Martha J. Macri and Jan McHargue, pp. 63-77. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1996.
A Commentary on the Hieroglyphic Inscriptions Of Nim Li Punit, Belize, by Nikolai Grube, Barbara MacLeod, and Phil Wanyerka. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 41:17-39. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1999.
A Concordance of the Palenque Temple 18 Stucco Glyphs, by Marc Zender. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / palenque / monuments / T18S / Palenque-T18S-Concordance.pdf, 2007.
A Correlation of the Mayan and European Calendars, by J. Eric Thompson. Anthropological Series 17(1). Publication 241. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 1927.
A Cosmological Throne at Palenque, by David Stuart. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / stuart / notes / Throne.pdf, 2003.
Addendum to "The Discovery, Exploration, and Monuments of Nim Li Punit, Belize" (RRAMW Number 40), by Norman Hammond and Sheena Howarth. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 40a. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1999.
A Figurative Hacha from Buenavista del Cayo, Belize, by Christophe Helmke, Jason Yaeger, and Mark Eli. The PARI Journal 18(3):7-26, 2018.
A Future Cache in Guatemala, by Elayne Marquis. The PARI Journal 9(2):24, 2008.
A Glimpse Into the Watery Underworld, by Jorge Pérez de Lara. The PARI Journal 5(4):1-5, 2005.
A Hieroglyphic Block from the Region of Hiix Witz, Guatemala, by Simon Martin and Dorie Reents-Budet. The PARI Journal 11(1):1-6, 2010.
A Historical Interpretation of the Inscriptions of Uxmal, by Jeff Karl Kowalski. In Fourth Palenque Round Table, 1980, edited by Elizabeth P. Benson, pp. 235-247. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1985.
Ah Ts'ib: Scribal Hands and Sculpture Workshops at Yaxchilán, by Carolyn Tate. In Seventh Palenque Round Table, 1989, edited by Merle Greene Robertson and Virginia M. Fields, pp. 95-103. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1994.
Ajpach' Waal: The Hieroglyphic Stairway of the Guzmán Group of El Palmar, Campeche, Mexico, by Kenichiro Tsukamoto and Octavio Q. Esparza Olguín. In Maya Archaeology 3, edited by Charles Golden, Stephen Houston, and Joel Skidmore, pp. 30-55. Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco, 2015.
Aj Poop B'atz' y la historia chamelqueña, by Sarah Ashley Kistler and Sebastian Si Pop. Winter Park, FL, 2012.
A Late Preclassic Distance Number, by Mario Giron-Ábrego. The PARI Journal 13(4):8-12, 2013.
A Linguistic Approach to the Classic Maya Term iximte'el kakaw, by William Humberto Mex-Albornoz. The PARI Journal 21(3):8-16, 2021.
Algunas ollas polícromas del noroeste de la península de Yucatán: un caso del catalogo de vasijas polícromas mayas, by Sylviane Boucher and Yoly Palomo. In Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, edited by Martha J. Macri and Jan McHargue, pp. 247-258. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1996.
Allspice as Template for the Classic Maya K'an Sign, by Estella Weiss-Krejci. The PARI Journal 12(4):1-6, 2012.
Alternative Functions of Distance Numbers in Maya Calendrical Texts: Codices vs. Monuments, by Victoria Bricker and Anthony Aveni. The PARI Journal 15(1):11-24, 2014.
A "Maizedancer" Vessel Dedicated to Yax We'n Chan K'inich, Lord of Xultun, by Sebastián Matteo and Guido Krempel. The PARI Journal 20(4):1-14, 2020.
A Maya Wooden Figure from Belize, by George E. Stuart and R. A. Housley. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 42:1-10. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1999.
A Mixe-Zoquean Loanword in the Late Preclassic Murals of San Bartolo?, by Søren Wichmann. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / articles / wichmann / Loanword.pdf, 2006.
A Nahuatl Syllabary, by Alfonso Lacadena. The PARI Journal 8(4):23, 2008.
Análisis químico de materiales encontrados en excavación, dos casos: porta-incensarios tipo Palenque y cinabrio usado en practicas funerarias, by Javier Vázquez Negrete and Rodrigo Velázquez. In Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, edited by Martha J. Macri and Jan McHargue, pp. 103-106. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1996.
Analysis of Two Low Relief Sculptures from La Venta, by Robert F. Heizer. In Studies in Olmec Archaeology, pp. 25-55. Contributions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility 3. Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, 1967.
An Annotated Overview of "Tikal Dancer" Plates, by Erik Boot. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / features / boot / TikalDancerPlates.pdf, 2003.
An Appearance of Xiuhtecuhtli in the Dresden Venus Pages, by Karl Taube and Bonnie Bade. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 35:13-24. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1991.
An Early Maya Text from El Mirador, Guatemala, by Richard D. Hansen. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 37:19-32. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1991.
A New Carved Panel from the Palenque Area, by David Stuart. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 32:9-14. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1990.
A New Child-Father Relationship Glyph, by David Stuart. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 2:7-8. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1985.
A New Early Classic Text from Tikal, by Federico Fahsen. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 17. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1988.
A New Inscription from Nim Li Punit, Belize, by David Stuart and Nikolai Grube. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 45:1-7. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 2000.
A New La Corona Panel, by Erik Boot. The PARI Journal 12(2):1-7, 2011.
A New Look at the Inscription of Copan Altar K, by Péter Biró. The PARI Journal 11(2):22-28, 2010.
A New Method of Deciphering Yucatecan Dates with Special Reference to Chichen Itza, by J. Eric Thompson. Contributions to American Archaeology 4(22):177-197. Publication 483. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., 1937.
A New Monument Mentioning Wamaaw K'awiil of Calakmul, by Raphael Tunesi. The PARI Journal 8(2):13-19, 2007.
A New Palenque Panel, by Yuriy Polyukhovych. The PARI Journal 13(3):1-3, 2013.
A New Plate Naming a K'uhul Mutu'l Ajaw, by Raphael Tunesi and Luís Lopes. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / features / tikal / TikalPlate.pdf, 2004.
An Inscribed Shell Drinking Vessel from the Maya Lowlands, by George E. Stuart. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 48:1-9. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 2001.
A Notational Explanation for Maya Calendar Round Dates Such as 11 Eb 16 Mac, by Victoria R. Bricker. The PARI Journal 11(4):9-10, 2011.
A Note on the Inscription of Ixtutz Stela 4, by Marc Zender. The PARI Journal 2(4)/3(1), 2001-2002:17-22, 27, 2002.
An Overview of Classic Maya Ceramics Containing Sequences of Day Signs, by Erik Boot. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / features / boot / Day_Signs.pdf, 2003.
An Oxkintok Region Vessel: An Analysis of the Hieroglyphic Texts, by Erik Boot. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / articles / Boot / Oxkintok.pdf, 2010.
A Possible Syllabic Spelling of the "Birth Glyph", by Yuriy Polyukhovych. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / articles / polyukhovych / BirthGlyph.pdf, 2011.
An Unusual Calendar Cycle at Tonina, by David Stuart. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / stuart / notes / Cycle.pdf, 2002.
A Possible Full Form of the <yu> Syllable, by Dmitri Beliaev and Rafael Tunesi. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / articles / syllable / yu.pdf, 2005.
A Possible Logogram for TZ'AP, by David Stuart. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / stuart / notes / tzap.pdf, 2004.
A Possible Syllable for t'i in Maya Writing, by Albert Davletshin and Péter Bíró. The PARI Journal 15(1):1-10, 2014.
Appreciating Mike: A Remembrance of Michael D. Coe, by Stephen Houston. The PARI Journal 20(2):15-27, 2019.
Approaching a Maya Political Geography of the Northeast Peten, Guatemala: The Holmul River Survey and Settlements in the Hinterlands of Tikal, Yaxha, Nakum, and Naranjo, by Vilma Fialko. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / Contributions / Holmul_River_Survey.pdf, 2022.
A Reading of the Komkom Vase Discovered at Baking Pot, Belize, by Christophe Helmke, Julie A. Hoggarth, and Jaime J. Awe. Monograph 3. Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco, 2018.
Are We Dealing with Places or with People?, by Stephen Hugh-Jones. In Millenary Maya Societies: Past Crises and Resilience, edited by M.-Charlotte Arnauld and Alain Breton, pp. 314-317. Electronic document, published online at Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / publications / MMS / 21_Hugh-Jones.pdf, 2013.
Arild Hvidtfeldt’s Contribution to Mesoamerican Studies, by Jesper Nielsen. The PARI Journal 20(1):15-16, 2019.
A Short Note on Winte' Nah as House of Darts, by Péter Bíró. The PARI Journal 21(1):14-16, 2020.
A Skyband with Constellations: Revisiting the Monjas East Wing at Chichen Itza, by Bruce Love. The PARI Journal 15(3):11-14, 2015.
A Temple over Time, by Stephen Houston, Sarah Newman, Edwin Román, and Nicholas Carter. In Temple of the Night Sun: A Royal Tomb at El Diablo, Guatemala, by Stephen Houston, Sarah Newman, Edwin Román, and Thomas Garrison, pp. 30-83. Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco, 2015.
A Tomb and Its Setting, by Stephen Houston, Sarah Newman, Thomas Garrison, and Edwin Román. In Temple of the Night Sun: A Royal Tomb at El Diablo, Guatemala, by Stephen Houston, Sarah Newman, Edwin Román, and Thomas Garrison, pp. 12-29. Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco, 2015.
At the Crossroads of Kingdoms: Recent Investigations on the Periphery of Piedras Negras and its Neighbors, by Whittaker Schroder, Charles W. Golden, Andrew K. Scherer, Socorro del Pilar Jiménez Álvarez, Jeffrey Dobereiner, and Alan Mendez Cab. The PARI Journal 17(4):1-15, 2017.
A Unique Absolutive Antipassive in the Name of a K'uhul Chatahn Winik, by Luís Lopes and Barbara MacLeod. The PARI Journal 22(1):15-19, 2021.
A Variant of the chak Sign, by David Stuart. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 10:19-20. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1987.
A Preliminary Analysis of Altar 5 from La Corona, by David Stuart, Marcello Canuto, Tomás Barrientos, and Alejandro González. The PARI Journal 19(2):1-13, 2018.
A Probable Reference to Na-"Gourd" Chan Ahk on Naranjo Stela 15, by Luís Lopes. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / articles / lopes / ProbableReference.pdf, 2005.
A Rationale for the Initial Date Of the Temple of the Cross at Palenque, by Floyd G. Lounsbury. In The Art, Iconography and Dynastic History of Palenque, Part III: Procedings of the Segunda Mesa Redonda de Palenque, 1974, edited by Merle Greene Robertson, pp. 211-224. Pre-Columbian Art Research; Robert Louis Stevenson School, Pebble Beach, CA, 1976.
Archaeological and Epigraphic Studies in Pol Box, Quintana Roo, by Octavio Q. Esparza Olguín and Vania E. Pérez Gutiérrez. The PARI Journal 9(3):1-16, 2009.
Archaeological Excavations of a Round Temple at Uxmal: Summary Discussion and Implications for Northern Maya Culture History, by Jeff Karl Kowalski, Alfredo Barrera Rubio, Heber Ojeda Más, and José Huchim Herrera. In Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, edited by Martha J. Macri and Jan McHargue, pp. 281-296. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1996.
Archaeology: The Plates, by Alfred P. Maudslay. Volumes 1-4 of Archaeology. 5 vols. Vols. 55-59 of Biologia Centrali-Americana; or, Contributions to the Knowledge of the Fauna and Flora of Mexico and Central America. R. H. Porter and Dulau, London, 1889-1902.
A Reading for the "STINGER" Glyph, by Luís Lopes. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / articles / lopes / Stinger.pdf, 2005.
A Reading of the Cancuén Looted Panel, by Stanley Guenter. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / features / cancuen / Panel.pdf, 2002.
A Reading of the "Completion Hand" as TZUTZ, by David Stuart. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 49:10-24. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 2001.
A Reconsideration of the Age of the La Venta Site, by Rainer Berger, John A. Graham, and Robert F. Heizer. In Studies in Olmec Archaeology, pp. 1-24. Contributions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility 3. Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, 1967.
A Representation of the Principal Bird Deity in the Paris Codex, by Karl Taube. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 6:1-10. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1987.
Art of the Classic Maya Relief, by Grant Schar. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / articles / schar / Schar2014.html, 2014.
A Sign for the Syllable mi, by Nikolai Grube and Werner Nahm. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 33:15-26. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1990.
Aspects of Impersonation in Classic Maya Art, by Andrea Stone. In Sixth Palenque Round Table, 1986, edited by Virginia M. Fields, pp. 194-202. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1991.
Astronomy and the Iconography of Creation among the Classic and Colonial Period Maya, by Khristaan D. Villela and Linda Schele. In Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, edited by Martha J. Macri and Jan McHargue, pp. 31-44. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1996.
A Study of Classic Maya Sculpture, by Tatiana Proskouriakoff. Publication 593. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., 1950.
A Look at the Hand and Arm Gestures of the Characters on the Palenque Temple XIX Bench, by Jorge Pérez de Lara. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / features / gestures / index.html, 2002.
A Stylistic and Chronological Study of Olmec Monumental Sculpture, by Carl William Clewlow, Jr. Contributions to the University of California Archaeological Research Facility 19. Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, 1974.
A Tour of Acanceh with a Brief History of the Site and Its Archaeology, by Jorge Pérez de Lara. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / features / acanceh / index.html, 2005.
A Tour of Chichen Itza with a Brief History of the Site and Its Archaeology, by Jorge Pérez de Lara. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / chichen / features / tour / index.html, 2003.
A Tour of Copan with a Brief History of the Site and Its Archaeology, by Jorge Pérez de Lara. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / copan / tour / index.html, 2005.
A Tour of Edzna with a Brief History of the Site and Its Archaeology, by Jorge Pérez de Lara. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / features / edzna / index.html, 2007.
A Tour of Tikal with a Brief History of its Rediscovery and Archaeological Work at the Site, by Jorge Pérez de Lara. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / tikal / features / history / index, 2005.
A Tour of Uxmal with a Brief History of the Site and Its Archaeology, by Jorge Pérez de Lara. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / features / uxmal / index.html, 2007.

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Baj "Hammer" and Related Affective Verbs in Classic Mayan, by Marc Zender. The PARI Journal 11(2):1-16, 2010.
Balan-Ahau: A Possible Reading of the Tikal Emblem Glyph and a Title at Palenque, by Linda Schele. In Fourth Palenque Round Table, 1980, edited by Elizabeth P. Benson, pp. 59-65. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1985.
Beans and Glyphs: A Possible IB Logogram in the Classic Maya Script, by Alexandre Tokovinine. The PARI Journal 14(4):10-16, 2014.
Benches, Brothers, and Lineage Lords of Copan, by Sandra Bardsley. In Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, edited by Martha J. Macri and Jan McHargue, pp. 195-201. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1996.
Beyond Rainstorms: The Kawak as an Ancestor, Warrior, and Patron of Witchcraft, by Joanne M. Spero. In Sixth Palenque Round Table, 1986, edited by Virginia M. Fields, pp. 184-193. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1991.
Birds of a Feather: The Fallen Stucco Inscription of Temple XVIII, Palenque, Chiapas, by William M. Ringle. In Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, edited by Martha J. Macri and Jan McHargue, pp. 45-61. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1996.
Blom and La Farge and the Discovery of La Venta - Chapters 1-4 of Tribes and Temples: A Record of the Expedition to Middle America Conducted by the Tulane University of Louisiana in 1925, by Frans Blom and Oliver La Farge. 2 vols. Tulane University, New Orleans, 1926-1927.
Blood and Rain, by Jorge Pérez de Lara. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / articles / JPL / Blood-and-Rain.pdf, 2012.
Border Problems: Recent Archaeological Research along the Usumacinta River, by Charles Golden and Andrew Scherer. The PARI Journal 7(2):1-16, 2006.
B'utz'aj Sak Chi'ik, "Smoking Lark/Calandria Humeante," the Third Palenque Ruler, by Erik Boot. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / palenque / features / SmokingLark.pdf, 2000.

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Caminos en las tierras bajas noroccidentales: sicix bäbih en el hinterland de Palenque y Chinikihá, by Flavio G. Silva de la Mora. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / es / articulos / Silva / Caminos.html, 2009.
Capture and Sacrifice at Palenque, by Claude F. Baudez and Peter Mathews. In Tercera Mesa Redonda de Palenque, edited by Merle Greene Robertson and Donnan Call Jeffers, pp. 31-40. Pre-Columbian Art Research; Herald Printers, Monterey, CA, 1979.
Caracol Altar 21 Revisited: More Data on Double Bird and Tikal's Wars of the Mid-Sixth Century, by Simon Martin. The PARI Journal 6(1), 1-9, 2005.
Caracol: The Thirteenth Tun 1997 Season, by Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute Newsletter 22:2-3, 1997.
Caracterización de materiales constitutivos de relieves en estucos, morteros y pintura mural de la zona arqueológica de Palenque, Chiapas, by Javier Vázquez Negrete and Rodrigo Velázquez. In Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, edited by Martha J. Macri and Jan McHargue, pp. 107-112. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1996.
Centros cívico-ceremoniales menores o "sitios de orden secundario" en la región de Palenque: características y componentes, by Atasta Flores Esquivel. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / es / articulos / Flores / Centros-secundarios-Palenque.pdf, 2009.
"Ceramic" Support for the Identity of Classic Maya Architectural Long-Lipped (Corner) Masks as the Animated Witz "Hill, Mountain", by Erik Boot. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / features / boot / Masks.pdf, 2004.
Chalcatzingo: A Brief Introduction, by David C. Grove. The PARI Journal 9(1):1-7, 2008.
Chalcatzingo Monument 34: A Formative Period "Southern Style" Stela in the Central Mexican Highlands, by Susan D. Gillespie. The PARI Journal 9(1):8-16, 2008.
Chalchiuhtlicue's Odyssey: Historiographical Account of the Translocation from Mexico to the British Museum in London of Humboldt's "Aztec Priestess" Found by Dupaix, by Foni Le Brun-Ricalens, Leonardo López Luján, and Claude Wey. The PARI Journal 23(2):1-14, 2022.
Chinikiha: The Modern Threat to an Ancient Maya Kingdom, by David Stuart and Alfonso Morales. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / reports / chinikiha.html, 2003.
Cho'qu'muc: la destrucción de un sitio arqueológico, by Christopher S. Martínez D. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / es / informes / Martinez.pdf, 2007.
Citation and Referencing Strategies for Secondary and Post-Secondary Students, by Marc Zender. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / articles / zender / Citation.pdf, 2005.
Colossal Heads of the Olmec Culture, by C. William Clewlow, Richard A. Cowan, James F. O'Connell, and Carlos Benemann. Contributions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility 4. Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, 1967.
Communal and Personal Hunting Shrines Around Lake Atitlan, Guatemala, by Linda A. Brown. In Maya Archaeology 1, edited by Charles Golden, Stephen Houston, and Joel Skidmore, pp. 36-59. Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco, 2009.
Composite Mirrors Among the Ancient Maya: Ostentatious Production and Precolumbian Fraud, by Zachary Nelson, Barry Scheetz, Guillermo Mata Amado, and Antonio Prado. The PARI Journal 9(4):1-7, 2009.
Comprendiendo los inicios de la complejidad social en la Costa del Pacífico y el Altiplano de Guatemala, by Bárbara Arroyo. In Millenary Maya Societies: Past Crises and Resilience, edited by M.-Charlotte Arnauld and Alain Breton, pp. 169-186. Electronic document, published online at Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / publications / MMS / 11_Arroyo.pdf, 2013.
Copan's Last Saklaktuun, by David Stuart. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / stuart / notes / Saklaktuun.pdf, 2002.
Corn Deities and the Male/Female Complementary Principle, by Karen Bassie-Sweet. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / features / bassie / corn / Corn_Deities.pdf, 2000.
Correspondence between Frans Blom and Yuriy Knorozov Archived at the Na Bolom Museum in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico, by Alejandro Sheseña. The PARI Journal 20(3):16-24, 2020.
Cranial Surgery in Ancient Mesoamerica, by Vera Tiesler Blos. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / features / tiesler / Cranial.pdf, 2003.
Creation, Cosmos, and the Imagery of Palenque and Copan, by Linda Schele and Khristaan D. Villela. In Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, edited by Martha J. Macri and Jan McHargue, pp. 15-30. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1996.
Crecimiento, colapso y retorno ritual en la ciudad antigua de Uaxactún (150 a.C.-300 d.C.), by Milan Kováč. In Millenary Maya Societies: Past Crises and Resilience, edited by M.-Charlotte Arnauld and Alain Breton, pp. 106-121. Electronic document, published online at Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / publications / MMS/8_Kovac.pdf, 2013.
Cresterías of Palenque, by Gillett G. Griffin. In Tercera Mesa Redonda de Palenque, edited by Merle Greene Robertson and Donnan Call Jeffers, pp. 139-146. Pre-Columbian Art Research; Herald Printers, Monterey, CA, 1979.
Crisis múltiples en Naachtun: aprovechadas, superadas e irreversibles, by Philippe Nondédéo, Alejandro Patiño, Julien Sion, Dominique Michelet, and Carlos Morales-Aguilar. In Millenary Maya Societies: Past Crises and Resilience, edited by M.-Charlotte Arnauld and Alain Breton, pp. 122-147. Electronic document, published online at Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / publications / MMS / 9_Nondedeo_etal.pdf, 2013.
Crisis y cambios en el Clásico Tardío: los retos económicos de una ciudad entre las Tierras Altas y las Tierras Bajas mayas, by Mélanie Forné, Chloé Andrieu, Arthur A. Demarest, Paola Torres, Claudia Quintanilla, Ronald L. Bishop, and Olaf Jaime-Riverón. In Millenary Maya Societies: Past Crises and Resilience, edited by M.-Charlotte Arnauld and Alain Breton, pp. 49-61. Electronic document, published online at Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / publication / MMS / 3_Forne_etal.pdf, 2013.
Crisis y supervivencia en Machaquilá, Petén, Guatemala, by Andrés Ciudad Ruiz, Alfonso Lacadena García-Gallo, Jesús Adánez Pavón, and M. Josefa Iglesias Ponce de León. In Millenary Maya Societies: Past Crises and Resilience, edited by M.-Charlotte Arnauld and Alain Breton, pp. 73-91. Electronic document, published online at Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / publications / MMS / 6_Ciudad_etal.pdf, 2013.
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Cultural Subareas of Eastern Mesoamerica, by S. Jeffrey K. Wilkerson. In Primera Mesa Redonda de Palenque, Part II: A Conference on the Art, Iconography, and Dynastic History of Palenque, 1973, edited by Merle Greene Robertson, pp. 89-102. Robert Louis Stevenson School; Pre-Columbian Art Research, Pebble Beach, CA, 1974.
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Damming the Usumacinta: The Archaeological Impact, by S. Jeffrey K. Wilkerson. In Sixth Palenque Round Table, 1986, edited by Virginia M. Fields, pp. 118-134. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1991.
Dating Stela 26 of Tikal, by Stanley Guenter. The PARI Journal 14(3):13-17, 2014.
Death and Veneration at El Perú-Waka': Structure M14-15 as Ancestor Shrine, by Keith Eppich. The PARI Journal 8(1):1-16, 2007.
Death Becomes Her: An Analysis of Panel 3, Xunantunich, Belize, by Christophe Helmke and Jaime Awe. The PARI Journal 16(4):1-14, 2016.
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Death Gods in Cotzumalguapa Sculpture, by Oswaldo Chinchilla Mazariegos and Gilberto Cruz Gámez. The PARI Journal 16(3):1-11, 2016.
Death of the Defeated: New Historial Data on Block 4 of La Corona's Hieroglyphic Stairway 2, by David Stuart, Marcello A. Canuto, Tomás Barrientos Q., Jocelyne Ponce, and Joanne Baron. La Corona Notes 1(3). Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / LaCorona / LaCoronaNotes03.pdf
Damming the Usumacinta: The Archaeological Impact, by S. Jeffrey K. Wilkerson. In Sixth Palenque Round Table, 1986, edited by Virginia M. Fields, pp. 118-134. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1991.
Dating Stela 26 of Tikal, by Stanley Guenter. The PARI Journal 14(3):13-17, 2014.
Death and Veneration at El Perú-Waka': Structure M14-15 as Ancestor Shrine, by Keith Eppich. The PARI Journal 8(1):1-16, 2007.
Death Becomes Her: An Analysis of Panel 3, Xunantunich, Belize, by Christophe Helmke and Jaime Awe. The PARI Journal 16(4):1-14, 2016.
Death Comes to the King, by Stephen Houston, Sarah Newman, Edwin Román, and Thomas Garrison. In Temple of the Night Sun: A Royal Tomb at El Diablo, Guatemala, by Stephen Houston, Sarah Newman, Edwin Román, and Thomas Garrison, pp. 230-233. Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco, 2015.
Death Gods in Cotzumalguapa Sculpture, by Oswaldo Chinchilla Mazariegos and Gilberto Cruz Gámez. The PARI Journal 16(3):1-11, 2016.
Death of the Defeated: New Historial Data on Block 4 of La Corona's Hieroglyphic Stairway 2, by David Stuart, Marcello A. Canuto, Tomás Barrientos Q., Jocelyne Ponce, and Joanne Baron. La Corona Notes 1(3). Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / LaCorona / LaCoronaNotes03.pdf, 2015.
Deities Portrayed on Censers at Mayapan, by J. Eric S. Thompson. Current Reports 2(40):599-632. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Cambridge, MA, 1957.
De la excavación al museo. La restauración del monolito de la diosa Tlaltecuhtli, by María Barajas Rocha. Ancient Cultures Institute, San Francisco, 2019.
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Descubrimientos en Chinkultic, Chiapas, by Carlos Navarrete. Arqueología Mexicana 9(50):15. Mexico, 2001.
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Disaster, Deluge, and Destruction on the Star War Vase, by Marc Zender. The Mayanist 2(1):57-76, 2020.
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Early Maya Writing on an Unprovenanced Monument: The Antwerp Museum Stela, by Erik Boot. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / articles / boot / Antwerp.pdf, 2006.
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Eclecticism at Cacaxtla, by George Kubler. In Third Palenque Round Table, 1978, Part 2, edited by Merle Greene Robertson, pp. 163-172. University of Texas Press, Austin, 1980.
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El complejo piramidal La Danta: ejemplo del auge en El Mirador, by Edgar Suyuc Ley and Richard D. Hansen. In Millenary Maya Societies: Past Crises and Resilience, edited by M.-Charlotte Arnauld and Alain Breton, pp. 217-234. Electronic document, published online at Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / publications / MMS / 14_Suyuc-Hansen.pdf, 2013.
El desollamiento humano entre los mexicas, by Víctor Cortés Meléndez. Ancient Culutures Institute, San Francisco, 2020.
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El proceso de desarrollo político del estado maya de Yaxhá: un caso de competencia de élites y readecuación dentro de un marco de circunscripción territorial, by Vilma Fialko. In Millenary Maya Societies: Past Crises and Resilience, edited by M.-Charlotte Arnauld and Alain Breton, pp. 265-283. Electronic document, published online at Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / publications / MMS/17_Fialko.pdf, 2013.
El vocabulario maya clásico de los ritos en cuevas, by Alejandro Sheseña. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / es / articulos / vocabulario / Cuevas.pdf, 2010.
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Enclosed Ritual Spaces and the Watery Underworld in Formative Period Architecture: New Observations on the Function of La Venta Complex A, by F. Kent Reilly, III. In Seventh Palenque Round Table, 1989, edited by Merle Greene Robertson and Virginia M. Fields, pp. 125-135. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1994.
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Excavations, Interpretations, and Implications of the Earliest Structures Beneath Structure 10L-26 at Copan, Honduras, by Richard Williamson. In Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, edited by Martha J. Macri and Jan McHargue, pp. 169-175. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1996.
Excavations of Nakum Structure 15: Discovery of Royal Burials and Accompanying Offerings, by Jaroslaw Zralka, Wieslaw Koszkul, Bernard Hermes, and Simon Martin. The PARI Journal 12(3):1-20, 2012.
Excerpts from the Researches and Explorations of Teobert Maler - with a short biography by Ian Graham.
Exploring the 584286 Correlation between the Maya and European Calendars, by Simon Martin and Joel Skidmore. The PARI Journal 13(2):3-16, 2012.

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Feast and Sacrifice at El Perú-Waka': The N14-2 Deposit as Dedication, by Keith Eppich. The PARI Journal 10(2):1-19, 2009.
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Field Notes: Caracol, Belize 1990 Season, by Merle Greene Robertson. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute Newsletter 12:2-3, 1990.
"57 Varieties": The Palenque Beauty Salon, by Merle Greene Robertson. In Fourth Palenque Round Table, 1980, edited by Elizabeth P. Benson, pp. 155-158. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1985.
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Acquire Maya Stela, by Kathleen Berrin. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute Newsletter 28:6-8, 1999.
'Flaming Ak'bal' and the Glyphic Representation of the aj- Agentive Prefix, by Marc Zender. The PARI Journal 5(3):8-10, 2005.
Flaying, Dismemberment, and Ritual Human Sacrifice on the Pacific Coast of Guatemala, by Oswaldo Chinchilla Mazariegos. The PARI Journal 14(3):1-12, 2014.
For Love of the Game: The Ballplayer Panels of Tipan Chen Uitz in Light of Late Classic Athletic Hegemony, by Christophe Helmke, Christopher R. Andres, Shawn G. Morton, and Gabriel D. Wrobel. The PARI Journal 16(2):1-30, 2015.
Fourth Expedition to Piedras Negras, 1934: Summary Report of the Results of Surface Examinations at Yaxchilan, Chiapas, Mexico, and at Neighboring Sites, by Linton Satterthwaite, Jr. Report presented to the University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
Frans Blom and the Decipherment of Maya Writing, by Jesper Nielsen. The PARI Journal 4(2):4-9, 2003.
From Common Cholan-Tzeltalan to Classical Ch'olti': The Identification of the Language of Mayan Hieroglyphs, by John S. Robertson. Mesoweb www.mesoweb.com / articles / robertson / Robertson-2010.pdf, 2010.

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Genealogical Documentation on the Tri-figure Panels at Palenque, by Linda Schele. In Tercera Mesa Redonda de Palenque, edited by Merle Greene Robertson and Donnan Call Jeffers, pp. 41-70. Pre-Columbian Art Research; Herald Printers, Monterey, CA, 1979.
Georges Raynaud: An Overlooked Figure in the History of Maya Epigraphy, by Søren Wichmann. The PARI Journal 3(2-3):15-17, 2003.
Gestures and Offerings, by Elizabeth P. Benson. In Primera Mesa Redonda de Palenque, Part I: A Conference on the Art, Iconography, and Dynastic History of Palenque, 1973, edited by Merle Greene Robertson, pp. 109-120. Robert Louis Stevenson School; Pre-Columbian Art Research, Pebble Beach, CA, 1974.
Glyph Drawings from Landa's Relación: A Caveat to the Investigator, by George Stuart. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 19:23-28. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1988.
Glyph F of the Supplementary Series: Ti' Hu'n, Mouth of the Book, by Scott A. J. Johnson. The PARI Journal 10(3):11-19, 2010.
Glyph for Stingray Spine, by Albert Davletshin. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / features / davletshin / Spine.pdf, 2003.
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Glyphs for 'Handspan' and 'Strike' in Classic Maya Ballgame Texts, by Marc Zender. The PARI Journal 4(4):1-9, 2004.
Glyphs for "Right" and "Left"?, by David Stuart. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / stuart / notes / RightLeft.pdf, 2002.
Grupos arquitectónicos asociados a Salinas de los Nueve Cerros, Cobán, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, by José Luis Garrido López. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / es / articulos / Garrido.pdf, 2009.
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Hallazgo de dos vasijas policromas en Teopancazco, Teotihuacan, by Linda Manzanilla. Arqueología Mexicana 8(44):80, 2000.
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Hieroglyphic Inscriptions at Chichén Itzá, Yucatán, México: The Temples of the Initial Series, the One Lintel, the Three Lintels, and the Four Lintels, by Ruth Krochock. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 23:7-14. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1989.
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Hieroglyphs from the Painted Pyramid: The Epigraphy of Chiik Nahb Structure Sub 1-4, Calakmul, Mexico, by Simon Martin. In Maya Archaeology 2, edited by Charles Golden, Stephen Houston, and Joel Skidmore, pp. 60-81. Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco, 2012.
Hieroglyphs on Maya Vessels, by David Stuart. In The Maya Vase Book: A Corpus of Rollout Photographs of Maya Vases, Volume 1, pp. 159-160. Kerr Associates, New York, 1989.
High Resolution Documentation of the Murals of San Bartolo, by William Saturno. In Maya Archaeology 1, edited by Charles Golden, Stephen Houston, and Joel Skidmore, pp. 8-27. Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco, 2009.
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I Am a kahal; My Parents Were Scribes, by Michael P. Closs. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 39:7-22. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1992.
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Ideas, tecnología y simbolismo: lado social en la producción artesanal de la lítica en los sitios arqueológicos Yaxha-Nakum-Naranjo, by Hugo Carreño. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / es / articulos / Carreno / Ideas.pdf, 2012.
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Inscriptions and Iconography of Castillo Viejo, Chichen Itza, by Peter Schmidt, David Stuart, and Bruce Love. The PARI Journal 9(2):1-17, 2008.
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In The Realm of the Witz': Animate Rivers and Rulership among the Classic Maya, by Jeremy Coltman. The PARI Journal 15(3):15-30, 2015.
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Itzam Cab Ain: Caimans, Cosmology, and Calendrics in Postclassic Yucatán, by Karl Taube. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 26:1-12. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1989.

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K'ahk' Ti' Ch’ich': A New Snake King from the Early Classic Period, by Simon Martin and Dmitri Beliaev. The PARI Journal 17(3):1-7, 2017.
King and Cosmos: An Interpretation of the Aztec Calendar Stone, by David Stuart. Monograph 4. Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco, 2021.
K'inich Ahkal Mo' Nahb' III: Just Who Was This Amazing King?, by Alfonso Morales. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute Newsletter 30:1-3, 1999.
K'in in the Hieroglyphic Record: Implications of a Pattern of Dates at Copán, Honduras, by Gerardo Aldana. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / aldana / Implications.pdf, 2001.

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La Corona Find Sheds Light on Site Q Mystery, by Stanley Guenter. The PARI Journal 6(2):14-16, 2005.
La crisis de La Blanca en el Clásico Terminal, by Cristina Vidal Lorenzo and Gaspar Muñoz Cosme. In Millenary Maya Societies: Past Crises and Resilience, edited by M.-Charlotte Arnauld and Alain Breton, pp. 92-105. Electronic document, published online at Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / publications / MMS / 7_Vidal-Munoz.pdf, 2013.
La Estela 1 de La Mojarra, Veracruz, México, by Fernando Winfield Capitaine. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 16. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1988.
Lake Pethá and the Lost Murals of Chiapas, by J. David Wonham. Monograph 2. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1985.
Lamanai Stela 9: The Archaeological Context, by David M. Pendergast. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 20:1-8. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1988.
La secuencia técnica de los relieves de Palenque: una vista a través del microscopio electrónico, by Ximena Vázquez del Mercado, Mercedes Villegas Yduñate, D. Magaloni, D. Rios, and L. Baños. In Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, edited by Martha J. Macri and Jan McHargue, pp. 113-119. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1996.
Late Postclassic Period Ceramics of the Western Highlands, Guatemala, by Greg Borgstede. In Maya Archaeology 2, edited by Charles Golden, Stephen Houston, and Joel Skidmore, pp. 104-115. Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco, 2012.
La Venta, Tabasco: A Study of Olmec Ceramics and Art, by Philip Drucker. Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 153. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 1952.
Left- and Right-Handedness in Classic Maya Writing-Painting Contexts, by Erik Boot. Mesoweb www.mesoweb.com / features / boot / LeftRight.pdf, 2003.
Life and Death in Ancient Mexico, by Joel Skidmore. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / features / life_death / life00.html, 2003.
Lineage Patrons and Ancestor Worship Among the Classic Maya Nobility: The Case of Copán Structure 9N-82, by William L. Fash. In Sixth Palenque Round Table, 1986, edited by Virginia M. Fields, pp. 68-80. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1991.
Lo húmedo y lo seco: el manejo del agua y la contrucción del paisaje in Tikal, by Liwy Grazioso Sierra and Vernon L. Scarborough. In Millenary Maya Societies: Past Crises and Resilience, edited by M.-Charlotte Arnauld and Alain Breton, pp. 249-264. Electronic document, published online at Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / publications / MMS / 16_Grazioso-Scarborough.pdf, 2013.
Longer Live the King: The Questionable Demise of K'inich K'an Joy Chitam of Palenque, by David Stuart. The PARI Journal 4(1):1-4, 2003.
Lord Kingsborough and his Contribution to Ancient Mesoamerican Scholarship: The Antiquities of Mexico, by Sylvia D. Whitmore. The PARI Journal 9(4):8-16, 2009.
Lords of Palenque: The Glyphic Evidence, by Peter Mathews and Linda Schele. In Primera Mesa Redonda de Palenque, Part I: A Conference on the Art, Iconography, and Dynastic History of Palenque, 1973, edited by Merle Greene Robertson, pp. 63-75. Robert Louis Stevenson School; Pre-Columbian Art Research, Pebble Beach, CA, 1974.
Lorillard Town (Charnay and Maudslay at Yaxchilan) - Chapter 22 of The Ancient Cities of the New World: Being Voyages and Explorations in Mexico and Central America from 1857-1882, by Désiré Charnay. Harper and Brothers, New York, 1887.
Los cocodrilos, símbolos de la tierra en las ofrendas del Templo Mayor, by Erika Lucero Robles Cortés. Ancient Cultures Institute, San Francisco, 2022.
Los Codices Mayas, by George E. Stuart. [Review of Los códices mayas, by Thomas A. Lee, Jr. (1985).] Archaeoastronomy: The Journal for the Center of Archaeoastronomy 9(1-4):164-176, 1986.
Los murales de San Bartolo, El Petén, Guatemala, parte 1. El mural del norte, by William Saturno, Karl Taube, and David Stuart. Center for Ancient American Studies, Barnardsville, NC, 2005.
Los murales de San Bartolo, El Petén, Guatemala, parte 2. El mural poniente, by Karl A. Taube, William A. Saturno, David Stuart, and Heather Hurst. Boundary End Archaeology Research Center, Barnardsville, NC, 2010.
Los pintores de Bonampak, by Diana Magaloni, Richard Newman, Leticia Baños, and Tatiana Falcon. In Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, edited by Martha J. Macri and Jan McHargue, pp. 159-168. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1996.
Los pueblos de origen maya en Guatemala: una larga y constante lucha de resistencia para su reconocimiento y sobrevivencia, by Gustavo Palma Murga. In Millenary Maya Societies: Past Crises and Resilience, edited by M.-Charlotte Arnauld and Alain Breton, pp. 295-303. Electronic document, published online at Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / publications / MMS / 19_Palma.pdf, 2013.
Los textos jeroglíficos mayas de la cueva de Jolja, Chiapas, by Alejandro Sheseña. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / es / articulos / jolja / Jolja.pdf, 2007.

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Making a Mountain: The Reconstruction of Text Fragments from Palenque's Palace Tablet, by David Stuart. The PARI Journal 21(3):1-7, 2021.
Mam/ajaw: tiempo largo, coyunturas y resiliencia en las sociedades mayas actuales, by Alain Breton. In Millenary Maya Societies: Past Crises and Resilience, edited by M.-Charlotte Arnauld and Alain Breton, pp. 304-312. Electronic document, published online at Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / publications / MMS / 20_Breton.pdf, 2013.
Mano de León: A Minor Elite Residential Group of the Maya City of Naranjo-Sa'aal, Peten, Guatemala, by María Berta Barrios and Vilma Fialko. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / CATNYN / Mano_de_Leon.pdf, 2020.
Map of the Department of Peten, Guatemala, and adjacent regions, showing routes of the Central American Expeditions of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, by Sylvanus Griswold Morley and Edwin Shook. Volume 5, Plate 179 of The Inscriptions of Peten. 5 vols. Publication 437. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., 1937-1938.
Masks and Iconography, by Karl Taube and Stephen Houston. In Temple of the Night Sun: A Royal Tomb at El Diablo, Guatemala, by Stephen Houston, Sarah Newman, Edwin Román, and Thomas Garrison, pp. 208-229. Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco, 2015.
Maya Astronomy, by John E. Teeple. Contributions to American Archaeology 1(2):29-115. Publication 403. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., 1931.
Maya Chronology: The Correlation Question, by J. Eric Thompson. Contributions to American Archaeology 3(14):51-104. Publication 456. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., 1935.
Maya Chronology: The Fifteen Tun Glyph, by J. Eric Thompson. Contributions to American Archaeology 2(11):243-254. Publication 436. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., 1934.
Maya Creator Gods, by Karen Bassie. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / features / bassie / CreatorGods / CreatorGods.pdf, 2002.
Maya Dynastic Territorial Expansion: Glyphic Evidence for Classic Centers of the Pasion River, Guatemala, by Kevin Johnston. In Fifth Palenque Round Table, 1983, edited by Virginia M. Fields, pp. 49-56. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1985.
Maya Hieroglyphic Writing: Introduction, by J. Eric S. Thompson. Publication 589. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., 1950.
Maya Prehispanic Occupation in Yaxha, Northeast Peten, Guatemala: A Synthesis, by Bernard Hermes. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / CATNYN / Yaxha.pdf, 2020.
Maya Shamanism Today, by Bruce Love. 2nd, rev. ed. Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco, 2012.
Merle Greene Robertson: Mayanist. Cinematography by Drew Fiero, 2005.
Merle Greene Robertson's Rubbings of Maya Sculpture, by Merle Greene Robertson, Martha J. Macri, and Christi Vieira. Monograph 6. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1993.
Mesoamerican Lexical Calques in Ancient Maya Writing and Imagery, by Christophe Helmke. The PARI Journal 14(2):1-15, 2013.
Middle Preclassic Caches from Ceibal, Guatemala, by Takeshi Inomata and Daniela Triadan. In Maya Archaeology 3, edited by Charles Golden, Stephen Houston, and Joel Skidmore, pp. 56-91. Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco, 2015.
Millenary Maya Societies: Past Crises and Resilience, edited by M.-Charlotte Arnauld and Alain Breton. Electronic document, published online at Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / publications / MMS / MMS.pdf, 2013.
Morley Hires Tatiana Proskouriakoff, by Khristaan D. Villela. Illustrated with rare preliminary versions of Proskouriakoff's drawings. The PARI Journal 1(2):10-18, 2000.
Mountains of Memories: Structure M12-32 at El Perú, by David A. Freidel, Héctor L. Escobedo, and Juan Carlos Meléndez. In Millenary Maya Societies: Past Crises and Resilience, edited by M.-Charlotte Arnauld and Alain Breton, pp. 235-248. Electronic document, published online at Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / publications / MMS / 15_Freidel_etal.pdf, 2013.
Mural Painting in Cacaxtla and Teotihuacán Cosmopolitanism, by Marta Foncerrada de Molina. In Third Palenque Round Table, 1978, Part 2, edited by Merle Greene Robertson, pp. 183-198. University of Texas Press, Austin, 1980.
Mural Paintings of the Puuc Region in Yucatán, by Alfredo Barrera Rubio. In Third Palenque Round Table, 1978, Part 2, edited by Merle Greene Robertson, pp. 173-182. University of Texas Press, Austin, 1980.
Mural Paintings of the Tulum Castillo: Discovery, Conservation, and Study of New Pictorial Elements, by Mónica A. López Portillo Guzmán and Octavio Quetzalcóatl Esparza Olguín. The PARI Journal 18(4):1-21, 2018.

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Naj Tunich Drawing 29 and the Origins of the Baax Tuun Dynasty, by Nicholas Carter and Barbara MacLeod. The PARI Journal 21(4):1-16, 2021.
Natural Hazards and the Cultural Heritage of Guatemala: An Overview from the Vantage of the Quirigua Archaeological Park, by José Crasborn and Hardany Navarro. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / articles / Quirigua / Crasborn-Navarro-2011.pdf, 2011.
Never in Fear, by Merle Greene Robertson. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 2006.
New Drawings of the Casa Colorada Text, Chichen Itza, Yucatan, by Bruce Love. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / chichen / resources / sub / CasaColorada.pdf, 2015.
New Evidence of K'inich Muhk, A Tonina Lord from the End of the Sixth Century, by Ángel A. Sánchez Gamboa, Guido Krempel, and Dmitri Beliaev. The PARI Journal 23(1):1-24, 2022.
New Ideas about the Wahyis Spirits Painted on Maya Vessels: Sorcery, Maladies, and Dream Feasts in Prehispanic Art, by Erik Velásquez García. The PARI Journal 20(4):15-28, 2020.
New Year Records in Classic Maya Inscriptions, by David Stuart. The PARI Journal 5(2):1-6, 2004.
Night Errant: A Look at Wayward Lords of the Night, by Bruce Frumker. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 43:11-28. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1999.
Nostalgia for Mud, by Esther Pasztory. The PARI Journal 2(1):17-18, 2001.
Notes on Accession Dates in the Inscriptions of Coba, by David Stuart. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / stuart / notes / Coba.pdf, 2010.
Notes on a Floral Form Represented in Maya Art and its Iconographic Implications, by John H. Bowles. In Primera Mesa Redonda de Palenque, Part I: A Conference on the Art, Iconography, and Dynastic History of Palenque, 1973, edited by Merle Greene Robertson, pp. 121-127. Robert Louis Stevenson School; Pre-Columbian Art Research, Pebble Beach, CA, 1974.
Notes on a Stelae Pair Probably from Calakmul, Campeche, Mexico, by Jeffrey H. Miller. In Primera Mesa Redonda de Palenque, Part I: A Conference on the Art, Iconography, and Dynastic History of Palenque, 1973, edited by Merle Greene Robertson, pp. 149-161. Robert Louis Stevenson School; Pre-Columbian Art Research, Pebble Beach, CA, 1974.
Notes on the Chol Dugout Canoe, by Nicholas A. Hopkins, J. Kathryn Josserand, and Ausencio Cruz Guzman. In Fourth Palenque Round Table, 1980, edited by Elizabeth P. Benson, pp. 325-329. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1985.
Notes on the Dynastic Sequence of Bonampak, Part 1, by Peter Mathews. In Third Palenque Round Table, 1978, Part 2, edited by Merle Greene Robertson, pp. 60-73. University of Texas Press, Austin, 1980.
Notes on the Olvidado, Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico, by Peter Mathews and Merle Greene Robertson. In Fifth Palenque Round Table, 1983, edited by Virginia M. Fields, pp. 7-17. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1985.
Notes on the Reading of Affix T142, by Nikolai Grube. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 4:1-6. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1987.
Notes on Two Tablets of Unknown Provenance, by William Ringle. In Fifth Palenque Round Table, 1983, edited by Virginia M. Fields, pp. 151-158. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1985.
Nuevos aportes a la cerámica de Kaminaljuyú, Monte Alto Rojo, by Christopher Martínez. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / es / articulos / Martinez / Kaminaljuyu.pdf, 2012.
Nuevos datos sobre las inscripciones de Comalcalco, by Jean-Michel Hoppan. In Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, edited by Martha J. Macri and Jan McHargue, pp. 153-158. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1996.

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Observaciones sobre los gestos de manos en el arte maya, by Patricia Ancona-Ha, Jorge Pérez de Lara, and Mark Van Stone. Spanish translation of "Some Observations on Hand Gestures in Maya Art. " In The Maya Vase Book: A Corpus of Rollout Photographs of Maya Vases, Volume VI, edited by Justin Kerr, pp. 1072-1089. Kerr Associates, New York, 2000.
Observations on Certain Visual Elements in Late Classic Maya Sculpture, by Elizabeth Benson. In Tercera Mesa Redonda de Palenque, edited by Merle Greene Robertson and Donnan Call Jeffers, pp. 91-97. Pre-Columbian Art Research; Herald Printers, Monterey, CA, 1979.
Observations on T110 as the Syllable ko, by Nikolai Grube and David Stuart. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 8:1-14. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1987.
Observations on the Cross Motif at Palenque, by Linda Schele. In Primera Mesa Redonda de Palenque, Part I: A Conference on the Art, Iconography, and Dynastic History of Palenque, 1973, edited by Merle Greene Robertson, pp. 41-61. Robert Louis Stevenson School; Pre-Columbian Art Research, Pebble Beach, CA, 1974.
Observations on the History of Maya Hieroglyphic Writing, by Nikolai Grube. In Seventh Palenque Round Table, 1989, edited by Merle Greene Robertson and Virginia M. Fields, pp. 177-186. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1994.
"Off With His Head!" A Heretofore Unknown Monument of Tonina, Chiapas, by Jesper Nielsen, Christophe Helmke, David Stuart, and Ángel A. Sánchez Gamboa. The PARI Journal 20(1):1-14, 2019.
Of Mice and Monkeys: The Value and Meaning of T1016, the God C Hieroglyph, by William M. Ringle. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 18:1-22. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1988.
Of Snake Kings and Cannibals: A Fresh Look at the Naranjo Hieroglyphic Stairway, by Alexandre Tokovinine. The PARI Journal 7(4):15-22, 2007.
Of Snakes and Bats: Shifting Identities at Calakmul, by Simon Martin. The PARI Journal 6(2):5-15, 2005.
Olmec Bloodletting: An Iconographic Study, by Rosemary A. Joyce, Richard Edging, Karl Lorenz, and Susan D. Gillespie. In Sixth Palenque Round Table, 1986, edited by Virginia M. Fields, pp. 143-150. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1991.
Olmec Iconographic Influences on the Symbols of Maya Rulership, by F. Kent Reilly, III. In Sixth Palenque Round Table, 1986, edited by Virginia M. Fields, pp. 151-166. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1991.
Olmec Sculptures of the Human Fetus, by Carolyn Tate and Gordon Bendersky. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute Newsletter 30:6-10, 1999.
On a Preclassic Long-Lipped Glyphic Profile, by Mario Giron-Ábrego. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / articles / giron-abrego / Giron-Abrego2015.html, 2015.
Once and Future Kings: Classic Maya Geopolitics and Mythic History on the Vase of the Initial Series from Uaxactun, by Nicholas P. Carter. The PARI Journal 15(4):1-15, 2015.
One Hundred and Fifty Years of Nahuatl Decipherment, by Marc Zender. The PARI Journal 8(4):24-37, 2008.
On the Complementary Signs of the Mexican Graphic System, by Zelia Nuttall. The PARI Journal 8(4):45-48, 2008.
On the Emblem Glyph of El Peru, by Stanley Guenter. The PARI Journal 8(2):20-23, 2007.
On the History of the Chol Language, by Nicholas A. Hopkins. In Fifth Palenque Round Table, 1983, edited by Virginia M. Fields, pp. 1-5. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1985.
On the Paired Variants of TZ'AK, by David Stuart. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / stuart / notes / tzak.pdf, 2003.
On the Reading of Three Classic Maya Portrait Glyphs, by Marc Zender. The PARI Journal 15(2):1-14, 2014.
On the Text and Iconography of a Vessel in the Popol Vuh Museum, by Luís Lopes. Mesoweb www.mesoweb.com / articles / lopes / PopolVuh.pdf, 2005.
Osteology of the El Diablo Complex: Burial 9 and Associated Caches, by Andrew K. Scherer. In Temple of the Night Sun: A Royal Tomb at El Diablo, Guatemala, by Stephen Houston, Sarah Newman, Edwin Román, and Thomas Garrison, pp. 180-207. Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco, 2015.
Outfitting a King, by Sarah Newman, Stephen Houston, Thomas Garrison, and Edwin Román. In Temple of the Night Sun: A Royal Tomb at El Diablo, Guatemala, by Stephen Houston, Sarah Newman, Edwin Román, and Thomas Garrison, pp. 84-179. Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco, 2015.
"Out Of Order!" Or Are They? A Textual and Visual Analysis of Two Dedicatory Texts on Classic Maya Ceramics, by Erik Boot. The PARI Journal 15(2):15-37, 2014.
Over Hill and Dale: Caracol 1994, by Diane Z. Chase and Arlen F. Chase. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute Newsletter 19:3, 1994.

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Painted Lithic Artifacts from Piedras Negras, Guatemala, by Zachary X. Hruby and Gene Ware. In Maya Archaeology 1, edited by Charles Golden, Stephen Houston, and Joel Skidmore, pp. 76-85. Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco, 2009.
Palenque During the Eruption of El Chichonel, by Merle Greene Robertson. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / palenque / features / Chichonel.pdf, 2009.
Palenque from 1560 to 2010, by Merle Greene Robertson. The PARI Journal 11(1):7-16, 2010.
Palenque in the Maya World, by Nikolai Grube. In Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, edited by Martha J. Macri and Jan McHargue, pp. 1-13. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1996.
Palenque Means Big Water, by Kirk D. French. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / palenque / features / bigwater.html, 2005.
Palenque: Latest Discoveries (Summer 2001), by Merle Greene Robertson. Excerpted from "Palenque Cross Group Project: News and Latest Discoveries," by Merle Greene Robertson. The PARI Journal 2(3):1-5, 2001.
Palenque's Temple XX: A Very Special Puzzle, by C. Rudy Larios Villalta. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / palenque / features / larios / TXX.html, 2003.
Palenque: The Archaeological City Today, by Augusto Molina Montes. In Tercera Mesa Redonda de Palenque, edited by Merle Greene Robertson and Donnan Call Jeffers, pp. 1-8. Pre-Columbian Art Research; Herald Printers, Monterey, CA, 1979.
Pathways into Darkness: The Search for the Road to Xibalbá, by Barbara MacLeod and Dennis E. Puleston. In Tercera Mesa Redonda de Palenque, edited by Merle Greene Robertson and Donnan Call Jeffers, pp. 71-77. Pre-Columbian Art Research; Herald Printers, Monterey, CA, 1979.
Patterns in the Dresden Codex, by Cara G. Tremain. The PARI Journal 14(1):6-12, 2013.
Period-Ending Stelae of Yaxchilán, by Carolyn Tate. In Sixth Palenque Round Table, 1986, edited by Virginia M. Fields, pp. 102-109. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1991.
Photographing the Cacaxtla Murals, by Merle Greene Robertson. The PARI Journal 4(2):1-3, 2003.
Physical Deformities in the Ruling Lineage of Palenque, and the Dynastic Implications, by Merle Greene Robertson, Marjorie S. Rosenblum Scandizzo, and John R. Scandizzo. In The Art, Iconography and Dynastic History of Palenque, Part III: Procedings of the Segunda Mesa Redonda de Palenque, 1974, edited by Merle Greene Robertson, pp. 59-86. Pre-Columbian Art Research; Robert Louis Stevenson School, Monterey, CA, 1976.
Piedras Negras Diary: An Archaeological Field Journal, Guatemala, 1931, by Margaret Conway Satterthwaite. Edited and with an introduction by John M. Weeks. Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco, 2018.
Polities and Places: Tracing the Toponyms of the Snake Dynasty, by Simon Martin and Erik Velásquez García. The PARI Journal 17(2):23-33, 2016.
Popol Vuh: Literal Translation, by Allen J. Christenson. Electronic version of Popol Vuh: Literal Poetic Version: Translation and Transcription (University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 2004). Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / publications / Christenson / PV-Literal.pdf, 2007.
Popol Vuh: Original Text Transcription, by Allen J. Christenson. Electronic version of Popol Vuh: Literal Poetic Version: Translation and Transcription, pp. 263-319 (University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 2004). Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/publications/Christenson/PV-Original.pdf, 2007.
Popol Vuh: Sacred Book of the Quiché Maya People, by Allen J. Christenson. Electronic version of Popol Vuh: The Sacred Book of the Maya (University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 2003). Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / publications / Christenson / PopolVuh.pdf, 2007.
Portraits of Four Kings of the Early Classic? An Inscribed Bowl Excavated at Uaxactún and Seven Vessels of Unknown Provenance, by Erik Boot. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / articles / boot / UaxactunBowl.pdf, 2005.
Precious Stones of Grace: A Theory of the Origin and Meaning of the Classic Maya Stela Cult, by Elizabeth A. Newsome. In Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, edited by Martha J. Macri and Jan McHargue, pp. 183-193. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1996.
Prepositions and Complementizers in the Classic Period Inscriptions, by Martha J. Macri. In Sixth Palenque Round Table, 1986, edited by Virginia M. Fields, pp. 266-272. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1991.
Problematic Emblem Glyphs: Examples from Altar de Sacrificios, El Chorro, Río Azul, and Xultun, by Stephen D. Houston. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 3. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 1986.
Protecting Sacred Space: Rosalila's Eccentric Chert Cache at Copan and Eccentrics among the Classic Maya, by Ricardo Agurcia Fasquelle, Payson Sheets, and Karl Andreas Taube. Monograph 2. Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco, 2016.
Pus, Pustules, and Ancient Maya Gods: Notes on the Names of God S and Hunahpu, by Oswaldo Chinchilla Mazariegos. The PARI Journal 21(1):1-13, 2020.

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Quality and Quantity in Glyphic Nouns and Adjectives, by Stephen Houston, John Robertson, and David Stuart. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 47. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C., 2001.
Q'umarkaj: diálogo entre la arqueología y la etnohistoria en la tormenta del Postclásico y hasta nuestros días, by Raquel Macario and Marie A. Fulbert. In Millenary Maya Societies: Past Crises and Resilience, edited by M.-Charlotte Arnauld and Alain Breton, pp. 284-294. Electronic document, published online at Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / publications / MMS / 18_Macario-Fulbert.pdf, 2013.

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Reading the Regnal Names of Rulers III and V of Caracol, Belize, by Christophe Helmke and Sergei Vepretskii. The PARI Journal 22(4):1-24, 2022.
Recent Finds in Ek Balam, by Joel Skidmore. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / features / ek_balam / index.html, 2003.
Recent Investigations in the Salto de Agua Region: Sites, Territories, and Frontiers to the West of Palenque, by Joshua A. Balcells González, Jorge E. Gama Castro, and Esteban Mirón Marván. The PARI Journal 11(4):4-11, 2011.
Recovered History: Stela 11 of Coba, by María José Con Uribe and Octavio Quetzalcóatl Esparza Olquín. The PARI Journal 17(1):1-17, 2016.
Reflections on the Codex Style and the Princeton Vessel, by Erik Velásquez García. The PARI Journal 10(1):1-16, 2009.
Recollections of My Early Travels in Chiapas: Discoveries at Oxlahuntun (el Perro), Miguel Angel Fernandez, Bonampak and Lacanhá, by John Bourne. Electronic document, published online at Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / publications / Bourne / Recollections.pdf, 2001.
Regional Scribal Traditions: Methodological Implications for the Decipherment of Nahuatl Writing, by Alfonso Lacadena. The PARI Journal 8(4):1-22, 2008.
Religious Imagery in Mayapan's Murals, by Susan Milbrath, Carlos Peraza Lope, and Miguel Delgado Kú. The PARI Journal 10(3):1-10, 2010.
Representation of Deities of the Maya Manuscripts, by Paul Schellhas. Papers 4(1). Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1904.
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Rewriting History at Yaxchilán: Inaugural Art of Bird Jaguar IV, by Sandra Noble Bardsley. In Seventh Palenque Round Table, 1989, edited by Merle Greene Robertson and Virginia M. Fields, pp. 87-94. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1994.
Revisiting Maler's Usumacinta: Recent Archaeological Investigations in Chiapas, Mexico, by Andrew K. Scherer and Charles Golden. Monograph 1. Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco, 2012.
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Ritual Blood-Sacrifice among the Ancient Maya: Part I, by David Joralemon. In Primera Mesa Redonda de Palenque, Part II: A Conference on the Art, Iconography, and Dynastic History of Palenque, 1973, edited by Merle Greene Robertson, pp. 59-75. Robert Louis Stevenson School; Pre-Columbian Art Research, Pebble Beach, CA, 1974.
Rivers Among the Ruins: The Usumacinta, by Ronald L. Canter. The PARI Journal 7(3):1-24, 2007.
Robert L. Rands (May 13, 1922 - July 24, 2010), by Ronald L. Bishop. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / reports / RobertRands.html, 2011.
Rock Paintings and Lacandon Maya Sacred Landscapes, by Joel Palka. The PARI Journal 5(3):1-7, 2005.
Rocks, Ropes, and Maya Boats; Stone Bollards at Ancient Waterfronts Along the Usumacinta: Yaxchilan, Mexico to El Porvenir, Guatemala, by Ronald L. Canter and Dave Pentecost. The PARI Journal 8(3):5-14, 2007.
Royal Death, Tombs, and Cosmic Landscapes: Early Classic Maya Tomb Murals from Río Azul, Guatemala, by Mary Jane Acuña. In Maya Archaeology 3, edited by Charles Golden, Stephen Houston, and Joel Skidmore, pp. 168-185. Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco, 2015.
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Sak Tz'i' in the Classic Period Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, by Péter Biró. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com / articles / biro / SakTzi.pdf, 2005.
Sculptures and Rock Carvings at Chalcatzingo, Morelos, by Carmen Cook de Leonard. In Studies in Olmec Archaeology, pp. 57-84. Contributions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility 3. Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, 1967.
Sharper than a Serpent's Tooth: A Tale of the Snakehead Dynasty as Recounted on Xunantunich Panel 4, by Christophe Helmke and Jaime J. Awe. The PARI Journal 17(2):1-22, 2016.
Shedding New Light on La Florida Stela 1: A Portrayal of Chakjal Chahk, by Mads S. Jørgensen, Joanne Baron, and Guido Krempel. The PARI Journal 22(1):1-14, 2021.
Signs and Symbols of the Maya, by Brian Hayden. The PARI Journal 5(2):7-12, 2004.
Sighting a Royal Vehicle: Observations on the Graffiti of Tulix Mul, Belize, by Christophe Helmke, Gail Hammond, Thomas Guderjan, Pieta Greaves, and Colleen Hanratty. The PARI Journal 19(4):10-30, 2019.
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